

我正在为10个tcp客户端使用自定义客户端连接。     ;

I am using custom client connection for 10 tcp clients.  

bool _flagScanner1Connect = true; private xyzTranmissionProtocol xyz1TranmissionProtocol = null; private static readonly object LockWhileConnectingForScanner1 = new object(); internal ICustomClient Scanner1Conn; System.Threading.Timer _tmrCheck1ClientConn; public void Start1ScannerConn() { try { _tmrCheck1ClientConn = new System.Threading.Timer(Check1ScannerConn, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } catch (Exception ) { } } private void Check1ScannerConn(object state)


{ if (!_flagScanner1Connect) return;


lock (LockWhileConnectingForScanner1) {

if(Scanner1Conn == null || Scanner1Conn.CommunicationState == ClientCommunicationStates.Disconnected){

if (Scanner1Conn == null || Scanner1Conn.CommunicationState == ClientCommunicationStates.Disconnected) {

Scanner1Conn = CustomClientFactory.CreateClient(new CustomClientTcpEndPoint("Scanner IpAdress","Scanner Port Number"));
Scanner1Conn.Connected + = Scanner1Conn_Connected; ;
Scanner1Conn.Disconnected + = Scanner1Conn_Disconnected;
Scanner1Conn.MessageReceived + = Scanner1Conn_MessageReceived;
xyz1TranmissionProtocol = new xyzTranmissionProtocol();
Scanner1Conn.TransmissionProtocol = xyz1TranmissionProtocol;


catch {}
catch {}
Scanner1Conn = null;
catch {}

try { _tmrCheck1ClientConn.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); Scanner1Conn = CustomClientFactory.CreateClient(new CustomClientTcpEndPoint("Scanner IpAdress", "Scanner Port Number")); Scanner1Conn.Connected += Scanner1Conn_Connected; ; Scanner1Conn.Disconnected += Scanner1Conn_Disconnected; Scanner1Conn.MessageReceived += Scanner1Conn_MessageReceived; xyz1TranmissionProtocol = new xyzTranmissionProtocol(); Scanner1Conn.TransmissionProtocol = xyz1TranmissionProtocol; Scanner1Conn.Connect(); //SEND A PING MESSAGE _tmrCheck1ClientConn.Change(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } catch (Exception ) { if (_flagScanner1Connect) try { Scanner1Conn?.Disconnect(); } catch { } try { Scanner1Conn?.Dispose(); } catch { } try { Scanner1Conn = null; } catch { } } finally { _tmrCheckClientConn.Change(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } } }

不同   函数   10
条形码  扫描仪。以上代码适用于1台扫描仪。 如果我使用3个扫描仪 或少于3我的申请将有效。但如果我使用超过3个扫描仪,则发送消息
已收到   ;活动不起作用 应用程序将变得非常缓慢。任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题。

I have written 10different functions for 10bar code scanners. above code is for 1 scanner.  if i use 3 scanners  or less than 3 my application will work. but if i use more than 3 scanners then messagereceived events will not work And  the application will become very slow. can anyone help me out to solve this issue.


你正在调整计时器的间隔很多 - 为什么?您正在使用Threading.Timer,因此它是可重入的。当您运行此代码时,它可能会再次回调,因此您的代码不是计时器安全的。你的Check1ScannerConn方法似乎是

You are mucking with your timer's interval a lot - why? You're using a Threading.Timer so it is reentrant. It is possible that while you're running this code that it calls back again, hence your code isn't timer safe. Your Check1ScannerConn method seems to be the method that is run when the timer expires so you're in the middle of handling this event when you change the interval to 5 seconds. Depending upon how long that code takes to execute you may have already called back into this method again. The lock at the top prevents you from entering the code but it is still blocking the timer thread. Basically the longer your code runs the more likely you are to eat up the thread pool threads while blocked waiting for the previous request to complete. This is not going to scale at all. The more scanners you add the faster it is going to be until you run out of thread pool threads to run against.


Shortly after changing the timer to 5 seconds you then set it to 5 seconds again so this final code seems redundant. Don't muck with the timer interval at all. Use a simple variable to manage reentrancy with perhaps a double check to handle race conditions.


//Since we don't have a consistent scanner object we'll have to create a sync object ourselves
private Mutex _lckScanner1 = new Mutex(false);

private void Check1ScannerConn ( object state )
   //Check for reentrancy and abort
   if (!_lckScanner1.WaitOne(1))

      using (var scanner = CreateScanner())
         //Does this do the actual ping??
   } finally


If you instead decide to create the scanners up front then a lot of this "scanner 1" specific stuff can be generalized down. The only thing your timer would do, beside the reentrant check, is the ping call.


09-21 04:39