


I want to build an app that I can receive push notification and save inside client device for limit 25 Notification. If application running and may not running. How can I stored PushNotification alert message?. If app running that time arrived Notification alert message stored in UserDefault but when app in background or Inactive state that time not stored Notification alert message in UserDefault. I want to know that I need to use UserDefault or CoreData to store the Push Notification message inside client app or not? If it is not, what should I use? I really need a hand to pick me up.



在我看来,您可以使用 NSUserDefaults 相关信息。在您的情况下推送通知。然而,只是一个想法,你可以简单地附加通知到本地存储或用户设备上的 txt 文件,并删除元素,因为用户访问它。

In my opinion you can use NSUserDefaults to store user related information. Push Notifications in your case. However, just a thought, you can simple append the notifications to local storage or a txt file on user device and remove the element as user accesses it.

但这只会在用户使用应用程序时工作。如果你想要使这项工作即使当应用程序不工作,你需要做一个后端,并将这些数据存储在某种云数据库。当应用程序再次打开时,您可以从数据中提取记录并再次推送到 NSUserDefaults 或本地 txt 文件。

But this will only work when user is using the app. In case you want to make this work even when the app is not working, you need to make a backend and store these data in some kind of cloud database. You can extract the records from data and push again to NSUserDefaults or local txt file when the app is turned on again.


10-18 13:23