

我想在我的WebRTC视频会议应用程序中实现SFU. Jitsi Videobridge似乎是一个不错的选择,但是我可以将其与任何webrtc API一起使用吗?例如,我正在使用SimpleWebRTC,在这种情况下是否可以通过Jitsi Videobridge实现SFU?如果是这样,怎么办?如果没有,那还有什么选择?

I want to implement a SFU in my WebRTC videoconference app. Jitsi Videobridge seems like a good option, but can I use it with any webrtc API? For instance, I'm using SimpleWebRTC, is it possible to implement a SFU in this case with Jitsi Videobridge? If so, how? If not, what are the alternatives?


来自此线程看起来Jitsi Videobridge支持未在SimpleWebRTC中实现,SimpleWebRTC仅是点对点的:

From this thread it looks like Jitsi Videobridge support is not implemented in SimpleWebRTC, which is peer-to-peer only:

Jitsi谈论" XMPP,因此建议使用 stanza.io .

Jitsi "talks" XMPP so that's why stanza.io is suggested.


09-19 05:26