我正在使用Flex 4和需要导出的一些PDF文件。我期运用purePDF库这一点。任何人都可以解释我如何使可能写在purePDF PDF文件罗马尼亚的字符 - >我需要写像AIST人物,等等
I'm working with flex 4 and need to export some pdf files. I'm useing purePDF library for this. Can anyone explain me how to make possible to write romanian characters in pdf files with purePDF -> I need to write characters like ăîşţ, etc.
I look in the wiki documentation of that library but cannot understand enough what I need. Appreciate any help.
I'll ask my own question, taking in consideration that it'll be useful for other one.
Note: Taking in account that purepdf is the iText library equivalent from Java, when you encounter any problems and need documentation, you can consult iText documentation for inspiration with purePDF.
So this is what you need to do:
- 找到包含您的特殊字符(TTF扩展名)合适的True Type字体。对我来说,我发现在/ usr /共享/字体/ TrueType字体/*.
- 复制* .TTF字体文件为您的应用程序中使用的目录(在我的情况资产目录)
- 您发现后,你可以尝试,如果通过以下code匹配您的需求:
public static const SERIF_NORMAL : String = "FreeSerif.ttf";
//"assets/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf" is the directory where I copied my *.ttf files
[Embed(source="assets/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
private var serifNormalCls : Class;
private var normalFont : Font;
var bfNormal : BaseFont;
//in youre initialization function :
FontsResourceFactory.getInstance().registerFont(SERIF_NORMAL, new this.serifNormalCls());
bfNormal = BaseFont.createFont(SERIF_NORMAL, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
//and when you need to use your the special characters, you will use that font
this.normalFont = new Font(Font.UNDEFINED, 10, Font.UNDEFINED, null, bfNormal);