不像这家伙,我使用的的 haXe的从AS编译SWF。考虑到我没有Adobe CS,什么是我们的选择提取任何FLA文件的动作脚本?
Unlike this guy, I'm using MTASC's haXe to compile SWF from AS. Considering I don't have Adobe CS, what are our options to extract the action scripts from any FLA file?
I mean different versions, like CS4, CS5, etc. Converting older versions to CS5 would also help.
CS4 FLA容器微软结构化存储(如MS Word文档)。您可以使用例如 FAR管理器或。嵌入式AS3 code可以在内部统一code明文的对象可见。您可以使用支持单向code编码(2字节UCS-2小端,而不是UTF8)文本编辑器打开它,修剪过的二进制垃圾。
CS4 FLA container is Microsoft Structured Storage (like MS Word documents). You can open it with for example FAR Manager or OpenMCDF. Embedded AS3 code can be seen inside the objects in Unicode plaintext. You can open it with a text editor that supports Unicode encoding (2-byte UCS-2 Little Endian, not UTF8), and trim off binary garbage.
CS5 FLA只是一个里面DOMDocument.xml AS3 code ZIP。
CS5 FLA is just a ZIP with AS3 code inside DOMDocument.xml.
这篇关于从FLA文件中提取ActionScript中,没有的Adobe Flash的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!