本文介绍了如何在Windows上使用Qt Creator导出并链接到dll?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have got a few Qt projects building on my Mac and I am currently trying to get the same code to build on Windows. In among these projects there is one dll (call it LibraryA) that exports a class (call it ClassA) that is linked to by a second dll (call it LibraryB).


I have the following code that defines the dll export code to be used based on the compiler being used.

#ifdef _MSC_VER

    #if defined(LIBRARY_A)
        #define LIBRARY_A_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
        #define LIBRARY_A_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)


    #define LIBRARY_A_EXPORT



I then incorporate this into my class definitions.



However, on Windows I get unresolved symbol __declspec(dllimport) in the LibraryB.


编辑我创建了几个独立的项目来尝试使此工作正常(称为LibraryA和LibraryB再次)。 LibraryA成功构建,并且在LibraryB项目中,我使用添加库对话框,选择外部库。这给了我以下仍然不起作用的.pro文件条目

EDIT I created a couple of standalone projects to try and get this working (called LibraryA and LibraryB again). LibraryA successfully builds and in the LibraryB project I used the "Add Library" dialog, selecting External Library. This gives me the following .pro file entries which is still not working

win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../build-LibraryA-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-Debug/release/ -lLibraryA
else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../build-LibraryA-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-Debug/debug/ -lLibraryA

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../build-LibraryA-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-Debug/debug
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../build-LibraryA-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-Debug/debug



I see a few possible scenarios:

  1. 缺少LibraryA.dll(未构建)。可能不是这样。

  2. LibraryB无法找到LibraryA。确保在LibraryB'pro'文件中具有正确的库路径: LIBS + = -L $$ PWD / Path_To_LibraryA_Dll / -lLibraryA

  3. Library一个项目未定义 LIBRARY_A 宏,并且 LIBRARY_A_EXPORT 未定义为 __ declspec(dllexport),在这种情况下,LibraryA不会导出任何内容供外部使用。确保在LibraryA专业文件中具有定义: DEFINES + = LIBRARY_A

  1. LibraryA.dll is missing (not built). Probably not the case.
  2. LibraryB is not able to find LibraryA. Make sure you have the proper library path in LibraryB 'pro' file: LIBS += -L$$PWD/Path_To_LibraryA_Dll/ -lLibraryA
  3. LibraryA project doesn't have LIBRARY_A macro defined, and the LIBRARY_A_EXPORT doesn't get defined as __declspec(dllexport), in which case, LibraryA won't export anything for external usage. Make sure you have the define in LibraryA 'pro' file: DEFINES += LIBRARY_A

这篇关于如何在Windows上使用Qt Creator导出并链接到dll?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 08:35