

我正在使用GXT / ExtGWT。我有下面的代码比较两个日期。

I am using GXT/ExtGWT. I have below code which compares two dates.

private DateField startDateField = new DateField();
private DateField endDateField = new DateField();
Date date = new Date();

CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, -1);
endDateField.setValue(new Date());

Date fromDate = startDateField.getValue();
Date toDate = endDateField.getValue();    

Date differenceBetweenDates = new Date(fromDate.getTime());
CalendarUtil.addMonthsToDate(differenceBetweenDates, 6);

if (differenceBetweenDates.before(toDate)) {
    MessageBox.alert("Alert","Date range should not exceed six months", null);
    return false;
} else{ 
    return true;

在datefields fromdate中,我选择了 0012-12 -30 和todate作为 0012-12-31

Here in datefields fromdate I selected as 0012-12-30 and todate as 0012-12-31.

当行 differenceBetweenDates.before(toDate)被执行,我得到异常。请帮帮我。

When the line differenceBetweenDates.before(toDate) is executed, I am getting below exception. Please help me. Am i doing any wrong here?

java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.util.calendar.JulianCalendar$Date cannot be cast to sun.util.calendar.Gregorian$Date



According to http://www.docjar.com/html/api/java/util/Date.java.html, java.util.Date contains this code:

private static final BaseCalendar getCalendarSystem(long utc) {
  // Quickly check if the time stamp given by `utc' is the Epoch
  // or later. If it's before 1970, we convert the cutover to
  // local time to compare.
  if (utc >= 0
    || utc >= GregorianCalendar.DEFAULT_GREGORIAN_CUTOVER
        - TimeZone.getDefaultRef().getOffset(utc)) {
    return gcal;
 return getJulianCalendar();



So it looks to me that because you are putting year in as 0012 not 2012, it chooses JulianCalendar.


09-18 03:34