


I avoided to ask this question, but the ListBox's selected index can no be set. I have read the other threads and applied the settings, but it doesn't work.

            <ListBox  ItemsSource="{Binding}" 
                      Name="lstReading" Height="Auto" 
                      SelectedIndex="{Binding BookmarkSelectedIndex}">


In the something.xaml.cs, I am settings

            lstReading.DataContext = IQText;

其中,IQText是一个 IEnumerable< dictIQ> ,并且包含 BookmarkSelectedIndex 作为数据元素.可以使用IQText中的其他数据元素,但不能设置listindex.有人可以让我知道为什么吗?

Where, IQText is an IEnumerable<dictIQ> and includes the BookmarkSelectedIndex as data element. Other data elements from IQText can be used but the listindex can't be set. Could someone please let me know why?


dictIQ 类里面有 BookmarkSelectedIndex 吗?因此,每个项目而不是每个集合都有一个 BookmarkSelectedIndex

Are you have BookmarkSelectedIndex inside of dictIQ class? So, you have one BookmarkSelectedIndex per item, not per collection!

您可以在 dictIQ 之外创建单独的属性 BookmarkSelectedIndex 或创建从 ObservalbeCollection< dictIQ> 继承并具有其他属性的类BookmarkSelectedIndex :

You can create separate property BookmarkSelectedIndex outside of dictIQ or create class that inherited from ObservalbeCollection<dictIQ> and have additional property BookmarkSelectedIndex:

public class CollectionWithIndex: ObservalbeCollection<dictIQ>
    public int BookmarkSelectedIndex { get; set; }


I hope you choose best solution suitable for you


09-18 02:30