

angular 完成所有 watch 周期后,有没有办法在 angular 中调用自定义函数.

Is there any way to call custom function in angular after angular finishes all watch cycle.




There are couple of ways to do register a callback once a digest is completed.

使用$$postDigest:$scope.$$postDigest 在当前 $digest 循环完成后触发回调.

Using $$postDigest:$scope.$$postDigest fires a callback after the current $digest cycle completed.

但是,在下一个摘要周期后,它只运行一次.要使其在每个摘要循环后运行,请与 $watch 一起运行.这是基于此处给出的代码示例

However this runs only once after the next digest cycle. To make it run after each digest cycle run it along with $watch. This is based on the code sample given here

var hasRegistered = false;
$scope.$watch(function() {
  if (hasRegistered) return;
  hasRegistered = true;
  $scope.$$postDigest(function() {
    hasRegistered = false;

$watch 可以在摘要周期内多次触发,因此我们使用标志 hasRegistered 来防止 $$postDigest 回调被触发多次注册.注意:$$postDigest 不会触发另一个摘要循环.因此,对 $$postDigest 内的 $scope 的任何修改都不会反映在 dom 中.$$ 表示这是angularjs中的私有函数,因此该函数不稳定,未来可能会发生变化.

The $watch can get triggered multiple times during a digest cycle so we use a flag hasRegistered to prevent $$postDigest callback to be registered multiple times.Note: $$postDigest will not trigger another digest cycle. So any modifcation to $scope inside $$postDigest will not get reflected in the dom. $$ means this is a private function in angularjs, so the function is not stable and may change in the future.


 console.log("Running after the digest cycle");

这会在当前摘要循环完成后运行.注意:第三个参数设置为 false 以防止另一个摘要循环触发器.

This runs after the current digest cycle is complete.Note: The third argument is set to false to prevent another digest cycle trigger.


10-19 22:21