


I have a text file and I'm interested to have only a part of it, all what is included between wordA and wordB


Is that possible using a dos batch file ?many thanks.


下面是一个办法做到这一点时,wordA和wordB不在同一直线上。它将输出发送到output.txt。这将是第一个wordA,并在输入文件中的第一个wordB(区分大小写)之间的文本。你没有指定要怎么做,如果有multple(或不匹配)套wordA / B的。

Here's a way to do it when "wordA" and "wordB" are not on the same line. It sends output to Output.txt. That will be the text between the first "wordA" and the first "wordB" in the input file (case sensitive). You didn't specify what to do if there are multple (or mismatched) sets of wordA/B.


:RemoveWordB replaces "wordB" with a character that we don't expect in the text that we will then use as a delimiter (` in this case). use another character if necessary.

SET InFile=Test.txt
SET OutFile=Output.txt
IF EXIST "%OutFile%" DEL "%OutFile%"
SET TempFile=Temp.txt
IF EXIST "%TempFile%" DEL "%TempFile%"

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('FINDSTR /N "wordA" "%InFile%"') DO (
   CALL :RemovePrecedingWordA "%%A"
   FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%B IN ('ECHO.%%A') DO (
      MORE +%%B "%InFile%"> "%TempFile%"
      FINDSTR /V "wordB" "%TempFile%">> "%OutFile%"
      FOR /F "tokens=*" %%C IN ('FINDSTR "wordB" "%InFile%"') DO (
         CALL :RemoveWordB "%%C"
         IF EXIST "%TempFile%" DEL "%TempFile%"
         GOTO :eof
GOTO :eof

SET String=%~1
SET String=%String:*wordA =%
ECHO.%String%> "%OutFile%"
GOTO :eof

REM Replace "wordB" with a character that we don't expect in text that we will then use as a delimiter (` in this case)
SET LastLine=%~1
SET LastLine=%LastLine:wordB=`%
FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=`" %%A IN ('ECHO.%LastLine%') DO ECHO.%%A>> "%OutFile%"
GOTO :eof


09-17 20:14