本文介绍了在参数c ++中的星号和和号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  class BST 
void insert(const Comparable& item)

BinaryNode * root;
struct BinaryNode
BinaryNode * left;
BinaryNode * right;
BinaryNode(const Comparable& theElement,BinaryNode * lt,BinaryNode * rt):
void insert(const Comparable& item,BinaryNode *& t)const;

私人 插入函数是 public 插入函数的帮助函数, private insert 函数寻找正确的地方使用递归插入。

我不明白是不是 BinaryNode *& t 。这是什么意思?
t 的地址的指针


您的表达式 BinaryNode *& t)

  BinaryNode *& t 
------------- -----

因此 t 是引用 BinaryNode 类的指针。

你在c ++中混淆了 ampersand& 运算符。给出变量的地址。但语法不同。

& 前面有一些变量,如下所示:

  BinaryNode b; 
BinaryNode * ptr =& b;但是下面的方法是对于引用变量(它的简单的非指针):


  BinaryNode b; 
BinaryNode& t = b;


  BinaryNode b; 
BinaryNode * ptr =& b;
BinaryNode *& t = ptr;

I am reading a book about Binary Search Tree and something weird came up.

class BST
   void insert(const Comparable & item)

   BinaryNode *root;
   struct BinaryNode
       Comparable element;
       BinaryNode *left;
       BinaryNode *right;
       BinaryNode(const Comparable & theElement, BinaryNode *lt, BinaryNode *rt) : 
          element(theElement), left(lt), right(rt) {}
   void insert(const Comparable & item, BinaryNode * & t) const;

The private insert function is helper function for public insert function, and private insert function looks for the right place to insert using recursion.

Part that I don't understand is BinaryNode * & t in the parameter. What does it mean?Pointer of the address of t?


In your expression BinaryNode * & t)

            BinaryNode*                & t
           -------------              -----
            BinaryNode pointer        t is reference variable  

so t is reference to pointer of BinaryNode class.

You are confused ampersand & operator in c++. that give address of an variable. but syntax is different.

ampersand & in front of some of variable like below:

BinaryNode b;
BinaryNode* ptr = &b;

But following way is for reference variable (its simple not pointer):

BinaryNode b;
BinaryNode & t  = b; 

and your is like below:

BinaryNode b;
BinaryNode* ptr = &b;
BinaryNode* &t  = ptr;  

这篇关于在参数c ++中的星号和和号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-17 16:40