


I'm using cocoapods, and it errors every time it tries to install Crashlytics. This is the error:

[!] /usr/bin/curl -f -L -o /var/folders/3l/8_q_611x0ms5z5pk1n_79g_40000gn/T/d20160630-21289-u98pwu/file.zip https://kit-downloads.fabric.io/cocoapods/crashlytics/3.7.2/crashlytics.zip --create-dirs --netrc

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0curl: (35) SSL peer handshake failed, the server most likely requires a client certificate to connect

我正在使用OS X 10.11.4(15E65).因此,我创建了一个品牌spankin的新用户帐户,并且相同的pod install效果很好!新旧用户帐户之间的区别可能会导致cocoapods无法正常工作?有权限或证书或我应该比较的东西吗?

I'm using OS X 10.11.4 (15E65). So I created a brand spankin' new user account, and this same pod install works just fine! What might be the difference between an old and a new user account that would prevent cocoapods from working properly? Are there permissions or certificates or anything I should be comparing?


$ brew update
$ brew upgrade openssl
$ brew link openssl --force
$ brew install --with-openssl curl
$ brew link curl --force

然后重新加载您的外壳配置文件(source ~/.bash_profilesource ~/.zshrc),确认您卷曲

then reload you shell profile (source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.zshrc), confirm you curl

$ which curl
$ curl --version
curl 7.47.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0) libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2e zlib/1.2.5

最后,你会好起来的. :)

finally you will good to go. :)


09-17 12:28