如何在Visual Studio本地主机中启动smartstore.net?
How do I start smartstore.net in Visual Studio localhost?
我从SmartStoreNET-2.x \ src \ SmartStoreNET.sln下载了GitHub代码并打开了项目文件
I downloaded the GitHub code and opened project file from SmartStoreNET-2.x\src\SmartStoreNET.sln
下载链接为: https://github.com/liuzengjun/smartstore
here some steps for build project
1.在Visual Studio 13中打开您的项目/解决方案,或者可以使用Visual Studio 12,但请确保必须对其进行完全更新,因为解决方案使用了最新版本的mvc和所有其他控件.
1.open you project/solution in visual studio 13 or you can use visual studio 12 but make sure that it must be fully updated because solution uses the latest version of mvc and all other controls.
2.build SmartStore.Web.Framework.
2.build SmartStore.Web.Framework.
3.build SmartStore.Web
3.build SmartStore.Web
4.build SmartStore.Services
4.build SmartStore.Services
5.build SmartStore.Data
5.build SmartStore.Data
6.build SmartStore.Core
6.build SmartStore.Core
7.build SmartStore.Admin
7.build SmartStore.Admin
after build all the solutions keep SmartStore.Web start as project and run it.