本文介绍了Angular 材料覆盖容器的自定义父容器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Angular 材质为各种组件创建覆盖容器,例如它们的菜单、小吃栏和对话框组件.

Angular material creates overlay containers for various components such as their menu, snackbar and dialog components.

如何以简单的方式决定应将 cdk-overlay-container 附加到哪个元素?

How can I, in an easy way, decide which element a cdk-overlay-container should be appended to?

目前,它被附加到 body 元素.因此,如果我为 body 元素以外的任何其他元素触发全屏模式,它将不会被看到.这当然不是我想要的.

Currently, it's appended to the body element. So if I trigger full screen mode for any other element than the body element, it won't be seen. Which of course is not what I want.


基本上创建一个扩展 OverlayContainer 的类.覆盖 getContainerElement 方法,在该方法中返回应附加覆盖层的 HTML 元素.如果需要,您还可以覆盖 _createContainer 方法,您可以在其中执行自己的逻辑来创建元素.

Basically create a class that extends OverlayContainer. Override the getContainerElement method where you return your HTML element which should be appended with the overlay. If needed, You can also override _createContainer method, where you do your own logic to create the element.

最后提供您的 CustomOverlayContainer 类作为 OverlayContainer 的令牌,如下所示:

Finally provide your CustomOverlayContainer class as Token for OverlayContainer like this:

    providers: [{provide: OverlayContainer, 
                 useClass: CustomOverlayContainer}],
    // ...
export class MyModule { }


Just have a look at the origin file. It's quite easy: OverlayContainer

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09-17 03:56