

Java8引入了那些不错的方法 getOrDefault() putIfAbsent(),允许编写如下代码:

Java8 introduced those nice methods getOrDefault() and putIfAbsent(), allowing to write code like:

Map<Foo, List<Bar>> itemsByFoo = ...
List<Bar> bars = itemsByFoo.getOrDefault(key, new ArrayList<>());


Now I am wondering if there are good factual reasons to either do:

itemsByFoo.put(key, bars);

itemsByFoo.putIfAbsent(key, bars);


    $ b当向列表中添加元素时,$ b
  • 选项1可能会执行大量不必要的put调用

  • option2可能会做很多不必要的事情contains 为新键添加新条目时调用占主导地位

  • option 1 might do a lot of unnecessary "put" calls when adding elements to lists happens often
  • option2 might do a lot of unnecessary "containsKey" calls when adding new entries for new keys is dominant


SO: are the good reasons to go for option 1 or option 2 "always"?


getOrDefault 是如果您想在不修改地图的情况下使用替代值来获取缺席值,则表示合适。如果您想为缺席密钥添加新值,您可以在一次操作中正确执行。

getOrDefault is suitable if you want to use a stand-in for an absent value without modifying the map. If you want to add a new value for absent keys, you can do it right in one operation.

List<Bar> bars = itemsByFoo.computeIfAbsent(key, x -> new ArrayList<>());


itemsByFoo.computeIfAbsent(key, x -> new ArrayList<>()).add(someNewBar);

在最好的情况下,当被地图实现,就像 HashMap 一样,这将只承担一次哈希查找。

In the best case, when being overridden by the Map implementation, like with HashMap, this will bear a single hash lookup only.

不是 putIfAbsent 在使用默认实现时只进行两次查找,但当然,大多数 Map 实现将为它提供单个查找实现。尽管如此, getOrDefault putIfAbsent 的组合仍会在最佳情况下进行两次查找,而优化的 computeIfAbsent 只有一个。

Not that putIfAbsent only bears two lookups when using the default implementation, but, of course, most Map implementations will provide a single lookup implementation for it. Still, the combination of getOrDefault and putIfAbsent would still bear two lookups in the best case, whereas an optimized computeIfAbsent does only one.


09-17 03:32