

例如,如果我想做自己的自定义动画并按照 x + = 10 以编程方式每帧移动SKSpriteNode,Sprite Kit是否仍会正确应用物理或必须我总是使用SKAction?

For example if I want to do my own custom animation and move an SKSpriteNode every frame programmatically by x += 10, will Sprite Kit still apply physics correctly or must I always use SKAction?



Manually moving a node with a physics body is possible regardless of how or when you do it. But in any case it's not recommended since it can adversely affect the physics simulation. The node (view) could be out of sync with the position of the body for 1 frame, and you might move the body into a collision which the physics engine will forcibly resolve, causing jumps, jitter, exploding velocities or skipping collisions.



10-10 18:43