

我已经在Ubuntu 14.04服务器上使用npm install -g strongloop安装了Strongloop. slc命令不起作用.它说

I have installed Strongloop using npm install -g strongloop on my Ubuntu 14.04 server. The slc command does not work. It says

The program 'slc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install heimdal-multidev

The program 'slc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install heimdal-multidev

如何获取它以运行Strongloop CLI而不是查找此软件包?我已经将此添加到了我的PATH,但仍然无法正常工作.有什么想法吗?

How can I get it to run the Strongloop CLI instead of looking for this package? I have added this to my PATH and it still doesn't work. Any ideas?

npm list -g中列出了其他Strongloop命令,例如sl-build work和strongloop.

Other Strongloop commands, like sl-build work and strongloop is listed in npm list -g.


看起来像Digital Ocean Droplet附带的Node安装可以安装到不在$PATH中的其他位置.我很确定这就是问题所在.无论如何,我修复了没有预装Node且遵循本指南.只需使用npm install -g strongloop而不是strong-cli,因为后者已被弃用.

Looks like the Node installation that optionally comes with a Digital Ocean Droplet installs to a different location that's not in $PATH. I'm pretty sure that was the issue. Anyways, I fixed it by spinning up a server without Node pre-installed and followed this guide. Just use npm install -g strongloop instead of strong-cli because the latter has been deprecated.


09-17 00:03