

什么是最快的,开源的PHP社交网络框架,可以帮助我在四个小时内得到一个工作原型?我在看可以处理个人资料的东西,每个个人资料可以发出多个帖子,每个帖子可以由社区评分?我在看WordPress的BuddyPress MU?这是可实现的,还是应该与CakePHP或CodeIgniter一起去?有没有任何插件,你可以推荐?非常感谢您的反馈。

What's the fastest, open-source PHP social networking framework that can help me get a working prototype in four hours? I'm looking at something that can handle profiles, where each profile can make multiple posts, and each post can be rated by the community? I'm looking at BuddyPress with Wordpress MU? Is this achievable, or should I go with CakePHP or CodeIgniter? Are there any plugins out there that you can recommend? Thanks a lot for your feedback.


我看过两个,BuddyPress似乎有更多的现成的插件,因为它是自己的WordPress插件。 buddypress似乎是一个小eaiser发展,当它涉及到db比elgg。

I have looked at both, BuddyPress seems to have more off the shelf plugins as it is in it's self a plugin of wordpress. buddypress seems a little eaiser to develop for when it comes to db than elgg.


09-16 12:37