我在 UFPDF 创建的 PDF 文档中遇到阿拉伯文字问题,这是支持 unicode 字体的 FPDF 的扩展.我已将 Arial 字体正确转换为 UFPDF 等待的格式,并且我对其他语言(例如法语、西班牙语、德语等)的 Unicode 特殊字符没有问题
I have issues with Arabic script inside a PDF document created by UFPDF, that is an extension of FPDF that supports unicode fonts. I have correctly converted Arial font to the format waited by UFPDF, and I have no issue with Unicode special characters in other languages (e.g. French, Spanish, German, etc.)
The single characters of Arabic script are not shown from right to left, but from left to right and it splits as single chars.
例如:مدرسة (school) 显示为 ة س ر د م
E.g.: مدرسة (school) is shown like ة س ر د م
使用 TCPDF http://www.tcpdf.org/ 代替.它可以处理 UTF-8 Unicode 和从右到左的语言.
Use TCPDF http://www.tcpdf.org/ instead. It can handle UTF-8 Unicode and Right-To-Left languages.
我想如果我没有错的话,它是基于 FPDF 的.因此,您已有的用于 FPDF 的任何代码都可以与 TCPDF 一起使用.
I think if I am not wrong it's based on FPDF. So any code you already have for FPDF might work with TCPDF.
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