

我正在开发一个管理VRML文件的网络应用程序。我也想让用户看到上传的文件,而无需特定的插件或播放器。 X3DOM允许在大多数浏览器中无需插件即可查看X3D文件,所以我想使用它。

I'm working on a web application that manages VRML files. I also want to let users see the uploaded files, without requiring a specific plug-in or player. X3DOM allows viewing X3D files without plug-ins on most browsers, so I'd like to use it.


Alas, it works on X3D files, and not VRML files. I need to convert VRML files to the X3D format.


The same people behind X3DOM released a package called InstantReality that has a utility that converts VRML to X3D. However, I'd much rather not use an external utility (I'm not even sure I'm allowed to use it on a commercial environment, I couldn't find its terms of use) but call a conversion routine from my application code.


!有一个名为的开源项目,该项目可对3D网格进行各种处理。它还有一个名为 MeshlabServer 。

MeshLab! There's an opensource project called MeshLab that does all sorts of processing on 3D meshes. It also has a command-line tool called MeshlabServer.

运行 meshlabserver.exe -i< wrl文件> -o< x3d文件> 执行转换(非常快)。由于它是开源的,所以我没有任何许可问题。

Running meshlabserver.exe -i <wrl file> -o <x3d file> performs the conversion (very quickly). Since it's open-source, I don't have any licensing issues.


10-16 17:33