73 Wright Lane Wickford,RI 02852 删除thefrown给我发电子邮件 请看: " Ordered" &安培; vbtab&套件& vbcrlf& _ - Tom Kaminski IIS MVP http://www.iistoolshed.com/ - 用于运行IIS的工具,脚本和实用程序 http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/ http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserv...y/centers/iis/ suddenly get this error:error ''80040108'' /geta.asp, line 23 which is : ObjMail.Body = "Instructions" & vbtab & instructions & vbcrlf&_ and while I''m at it, why did the ''yourname'' and the ''creditcard'' fields returnblank values, (when there was no error, that is).this is the code: <%Diminstructions,track,bladder,yourname,address,city,s tate,zip,country,phone,creditcard,expdate,emailinstructions = Request.Form("instructions")track = Request.Form("track")bladder = Request.Form("bladder")yourname = Request.Form("yourname")address = Request.Form("address")city = Request.Form("city")state = Request.Form("state")zip = Request.Form("zip")country = Request.Form("country")phone = Request.Form("phone")creditcard = Request.Form("creditcard")expdate = Request.Form("expdate")email = Request.Form("email")Dim kitskits = Request.Form("kits")Dim ObjMailSet ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")ObjMail.To = "hw*****@cox.net"ObjMail.From = "in**@dinghydogs.com"ObjMail.Subject = "Dinghy Dogs order"ObjMail.Body = "Instructions" & vbtab & instructions & vbcrlf&_"Track" & vbtab & track & vbcrlf&_"Bladder" & vbtab & bladder & vbcrlf&_"Name" & vbtab & yourname & vbcrlf&_"Address" & vbtab & address & vbcrlf&_"City" & vbtab & city & vbcrlf&_"State" & vbtab & state & vbcrlf&_"Zip" & vbtab & zip & vbcrlf&_"Country" & vbtab & country & vbcrlf&_"Phone" & vbtab & phone & vbcrlf&_"Card#" & vbtab & credit & vbcrlf&_"Exp.Date" & vbtab & expdate & vbcrlf&_"Email" & vbtab & email & vbcrlf&_"Ordered" & vbtab & kits & vbcrlf&_ObjMail.SendSet ObjMail = NothingResponse.Write"Thank You For Your Order" --Harvey Waxman DMD73 Wright LaneWickford, RI 02852Remove thefrown to email me 解决方案 Thank you very much. Now if I can only figure out what to do and how to do it:-)--Harvey Waxman DMD73 Wright LaneWickford, RI 02852Remove thefrown to email me look at : "Ordered" & vbtab & kits & vbcrlf&_--Tom Kaminski IIS MVP http://www.iistoolshed.com/ - tools, scripts, and utilities for running IIS http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/ http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserv...y/centers/iis/ 这篇关于对于错误80040108无能为力的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-16 04:57