我正在尝试使用自定义边框制作我的 UserControl(我在属性中将默认边框样式更改为无" - 我创建了控件并调用了 Graphics.DrawRectangle(...,ClientRectangle).我所看到的只是我绘制的矩形的顶部和左侧边框 - 似乎我可以绘制的区域的实际大小与 ClientRectangle 不同......如何更改它/获得正确的 ClientRectangle 大小?
I am trying to make my UserControl with custom borders (I changed default border style to "none" in properties - I created control and I am invoking Graphics.DrawRectangle(...,ClientRectangle). And what I see is only the top and left borders of my painted rectangle - it seems that real size of the area where I can draw is different than ClientRectangle... How to change it / get the right ClientRectangle size?
ClientRectangle 返回独坐标中的矩形,因此您需要从底部和右侧减去 1.无论当前图形模式中每像素有多少个单位,这都将起作用,如果我错了,有人纠正我.
ClientRectangle returns the rectangle in exclusive coordinates so you need to subtract 1 from the bottom and right hand sides. This will work regardless of how many units per pixel there are in the current graphics mode, someone correct me if I am wrong.
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