本文介绍了loadComplete 和 gridComplete 事件有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这个问题是在我查看了 this 的回答后提出的users/315935/oleg">Oleg 和其中的演示网格.

This question originated after I looked on this answer of Oleg and demo-grids in it.





从那个文档我了解到 gridComplete 在绘图网格结束时触发,而 loadComplete 在 jqGrid 完成与后端的通信后触发.

From that docs I understood that gridComplete fires at the end of drawing grid, and loadComplete fires after jqGrid completes communication with backend.

所以我想知道 - 为什么在演示中,loadComplete 用于改变单元格的颜色而不是 gridComplete?

And so I wonder - why in demos, loadComplete used for change color of cells and not gridComplete?


我想这个问题是 jqGrid 的很多用户都问过的.所以知道答案很有趣.

I think that this question is asked by many users of jqGrid. So it's interesting to know the answer.

我个人更喜欢使用 loadComplete.如果您检查我发布的所有示例中的代码,您会发现 gridComplete 只有当原始海报将其发布在问题中并且我会修改一些代码时.我更喜欢使用 loadComplete 因为 loadComplete 的一些优点和 gridComplete 的缺点.

I personally prefer to use loadComplete. If you examine code from all my examples which I posted, you will find gridComplete only when the Original Poster posted it in the question and I would have modified a little code. I prefer to use loadComplete because of some advantages of loadComplete and disadvantages of gridComplete.

以下是 loadComplete 的优点:

  • 这是最后一个回调,如果整个网格体将被重新加载,则将调用该回调.例如在从服务器加载网格上的页面之后.重要的是要了解,如果用户更改某些列的排序或设置过滤器或选择网格的另一页;网格体将被重新加载.
  • loadComplete 有参数 data 表示本地数据的完整页面或从服务器加载的完整数据.
  • It's the last callback which will be called if the whole grid body will be reloaded. For example after loading the page on the grid from the server. It's important to understand, that if the user changes sorting of some column or sets filter or chooses another page of the grid; the grid body will be reloaded.
  • loadComplete has parameter data which represent full page of local data or full data loaded from the server.

另一方面 gridComplete 将从内部 updatepager 调用(在当前版本的 jqGrid 4.4.4 中)(参见 此处),将从 delRowData(参见此处), addRowData(见 此处)和clearGridData(参见此处) 方法;除了addXmlData(参见此处)和 addJSONData(参见 此处).这不是人们最想要的.

On the other side gridComplete will be called (in the current version of jqGrid 4.4.4) from internal updatepager (see here), which will be called from delRowData (see here), addRowData (see here) and clearGridData (see here) methods; in addition to addXmlData (see here) and addJSONData (see here). It's not what one mostly want.

gridComplete 的另一个缺点是可以查看是否检查 addXmlData 的代码(参见 此处)和addJSONData(请参阅这里) 从哪里 updatepager 被调用,所以 gridComplete 将被调用.如果使用 loadonce: true 并且内部参数 data_index 将填充从服务器返回的完整数据.使用 loadonce: true 时可以看到;回调gridComplete会在服务器加载第一页数据后调用.此时data_index 只包含页面的数据.另一方面,loadComplete 将在服务器返回的所有数据处理完毕并保存在本地后调用 data_index.

Another disadvantage of gridComplete one can see if one examines the code of addXmlData (see here) and addJSONData (see here) from where updatepager is called and so gridComplete will be called. If one uses loadonce: true and the internal parameters data and _index will be filled with full data returned from the server. One can see when using loadonce: true; the callback gridComplete will be called after the first page of data are loaded from the sever. At this moment data and _index contains only the data for the page. On the other side loadComplete will be called later after all data returned from the server are processed and saved locally in data and _index.

如果您从服务器加载数据并且如果您不使用 loadonce: true 选项、clearGridDataaddRowData>delRowData 那么你可以使用 gridComplete 而不是 loadComplete.

If you load the data from the server and if you don't use loadonce: true option, clearGridData, addRowData and delRowData then you could use gridComplete instead of loadComplete.

这篇关于loadComplete 和 gridComplete 事件有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 02:08