什么是.NET 4.0的MemoryCache区别VS ObjectCache?凡使用哪个对象?
what is difference between .net 4.0 MemoryCache vs ObjectCache?Where to use which object?
ObjectCache is the abstract class that demonstrates how you should build a Cache that adheres to the rules the person who wrote ObjectCache wants you to obey. You cannot instantiate ObjectCache directly as it is abstract.
的MemoryCache是一个实际的实施 ObjectCache的。
MemoryCache is an actual implementation of ObjectCache.
再presents对象缓存,提供了基础的方法和 属性访问对象的缓存。
Looking at the declaration for MemoryCache:
public class MemoryCache : ObjectCache,
IEnumerable, IDisposable
我们可以看到,从的MemoryCache继承ObjectCache - 也就是说,它是一个使用内存作为存储对象的缓存 - 因此,这是的的实施的ObjectCache的
We can see that MemoryCache inherits from ObjectCache - that is, it's an cache for objects that uses Memory as its storage - this is therefore an implementation of ObjectCache.
You could write your own; for example, DatabaseCache, which could also inherit from ObjectCache but instead it would use a database as the backing storage.
For everyday use, provided it met your needs, you would use and consume a MemoryCache. If you wanted to write your own, you could inherit from ObjectCache and implement the required methods and properties. However, in reality, there is probably little practical benefit to doing this as Microsoft already make several other caching solutions available, as do many other vendors.
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