Why can't a computer program be proven just as a mathematical statement can? A mathematical proof is built up on other proofs, which are built up from yet more proofs and on down to axioms - those truths truths we hold as self evident.
Computer programs don't seem to have such a structure. If you write a computer program, how is it that you can take previous proven works and use them to show the truth of your program? You can't since none exist. Further, what are the axioms of programming? The very atomic truths of the field?
I don't have good answers to the above. But it seems software can't be proven because it is art and not science. How do you prove a Picasso?
程序的正式验证是一个很大的研究领域. (例如,参见卡内基梅隆大学的小组.)
Formal verification of programs is a huge research area. (See, for example, the group at Carnegie Mellon.)
Many complex programs have been verified; for example, see this kernel written in Haskell.