本文介绍了Java客户端使用DIME附件调用WSE 2.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要与使用WSE 2.0进行WS-Security和DIME的传统.NET Web服务集成。问题是我需要从Java应用程序执行此操作。

I need to integrate with a legacy .NET Web Service that uses WSE 2.0 for WS-Security and DIME. The catch is I need to do this from a Java application.

我期望Axis2与WS-Security一起工作正常,因为这里的人们之前已经完成了。这是我关注的DIME。我在,但我想知道是否有人使用Axis和WSE 2.0 Web服务实际完成此操作。

I'm expecting that Axis2 works fine with the WS-Security because folks around here have done it before. It's the DIME that I'm concerned about. I see a reference to DIME at http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/client-side-axis.html, but I'm wondering if anyone has actually done this with Axis and a WSE 2.0 Web Service.



I can't tell you anything for sure from own expierence. And about every 2nd page on the "web" seems to state something different to this question.


So taking all together the following is all possible

  1. Dime支持从1.x降至2.x

  2. 2.x中有某种支持,可能flaky

  3. 有支持

  4. 根本不支持

  5. 提供的链接之一足够洞察力/代码示例以获得有用的东西

  1. Dime Support was dropped from 1.x to 2.x
  2. Some kind of support in 2.x is there, possibly flaky
  3. Support is there
  4. No support at all is there
  5. One of the provided links gives enough insight/code sample to get something useful going

链接到Axis 2.0是否支持Dime?

Links to "Does Axis 2.0 support Dime"?

- >顺便说一下2009年他从未听说过Dime自2002年以来

large attachments in dime format -> btw the same guy which 2009 states he never has heard of Dime since 2002

- >再次同一个人2006发布看起来像端口的东西

Axis 1.x to Axis 2.1 port Dime -> againThe same guy 2006 posting something which looks like a port

来自某些Adobe Docu网站

Creating Apache Axis Java proxy classes that use DIME From some Adobe Docu site

- >到目前为止我发现的唯一真正的教程。但是使用Axis 1.2.1

J2EE Web Service Development with Attachments Using Axis -> The only real tutorial I found until now. But uses Axis 1.2.1

- > Axis Wiki页面,说明Dime附件文件的问题> 1 MB

AttachmentProblems -> An Axis Wiki page stating problems with Dime attachment files > 1 MB

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09-15 22:17