找到记录。 赞助人ID:LS0452 姓名:Edward Johnson 地址:3,Green Street ,八打灵再也,雪兰莪 电话。 No:03-12345678 项目1 ------- 序列号:005.133 HOR 借款日期:21/01/2002 截止日期:03/02/2002 项目2 ------- 序列号:205.54 GD 借阅日期:24/01/2002 截止日期:06 / 02/2002 解决方案 添加新赞助人: 名称 add 手机 0赞助人ID:LS0001 --->数组== 1:0001 1 | == 2:0054 2 | == 3:0123 3 0002 Y / N --->忽略大小 如果Y: name --->存在--->是的 - > S.O.P --->不存在--->数组 查看书籍: date:comp genarate SN: patron id: Y / N ---> S.N --->存在---> S.O.P(借来的) --->不存在--->顾客身份--->存在--->是的 - > --->不存在---> S.O.P(不存在) patron id --->存在---> > 3books @< 3books 搜索: patron id --->存在--->真的---> print ---> sop( ---> false ---> sop( 添加新赞助人: 名称 添加 手机 0赞助人ID:LS0001-- - >数组== 1:0001 1 | == 2:0054 2 | == 3:0123 3 0002 Y / N --->忽略大小 如果Y: name - - >存在--->是---> SOP --->不存在--->数组 查看书籍: date:comp genarate SN: pa tron id: Y / N ---> S.N --->存在---> S.O.P(借来的) --->不存在--->顾客身份--->存在--->是的 - > --->不存在---> S.O.P(不存在) patron id --->存在---> > 3books @< 3books 搜索: patron id --->存在--->真的---> print ---> sop( --->假---> sop( 请阅读发布指南。 我们不做学生们在这里做作业。 如果你已经编写了一些代码并坚持下去,那么你可以发布它我们愿意帮忙。 是的..我们卡在这里..我们需要一些帮助n指南 Develop a library information system that provides the following functionalities:a)Add New Patronb)Search Patronc)Check Out BookThe patron ID is unique and is generated automatically by the system. Any patron can borrow at most three (3) books. The period of loan is two (2) weeks. Your program will retrieve the computer?s current date to be used as the date a book is borrowed and calculate the due date automatically. You can make the assumption that the library has only one copy of any book title. At least five (5) patrons? data should be used to demonstrate the working of the system.Sample OutputLibrary Information System(Add New Patron)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patron ID : LS0452Name: Edward JohnsonAddress: 3, Green Street, Petaling Jaya, SelangorTel. No: 03-12345678Save record ? [y/n]Library Information System(Check Out Book)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date : 21/01/2002Serial Number : 005.133 HORPatron ID : LS0452Save record ? [y/n]Library Information System(Search Patron)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter Patron ID : LS0452Record found.Patron ID: LS0452Name: Edward JohnsonAddress: 3, Green Street, Petaling Jaya, SelangorTel. No: 03-12345678Item 1-------Serial Number: 005.133 HORDate Borrowed : 21/01/2002Due Date: 03/02/2002Item 2-------Serial Number : 205.54 GDDate Borrowed: 24/01/2002Due Date : 06/02/2002 解决方案 add new patron : name add phone 0 patron id : LS0001--->array ==1 : 0001 1 | ==2 : 0054 2 | ==3 : 0123 3 0002 Y/N ---> ignore case if Y : name ---> exist ---> yes ---> S.O.P ---> not exist ---> arraycheck out book : date : comp genarate S.N : patron id : Y/N ---> S.N ---> exist ---> S.O.P(borrowed) ---> not exist ---> patron id ---> exist ---> yes ---> ---> not exist ---> S.O.P ( not exist ) patron id ---> exist ---> >3books @ <3bookssearch : patron id ---> exist ---> true ---> print ---> s.o.p ( ---> false ---> s.o.p (add new patron : name add phone 0 patron id : LS0001--->array ==1 : 0001 1 | ==2 : 0054 2 | ==3 : 0123 3 0002 Y/N ---> ignore case if Y : name ---> exist ---> yes ---> S.O.P ---> not exist ---> arraycheck out book : date : comp genarate S.N : patron id : Y/N ---> S.N ---> exist ---> S.O.P(borrowed) ---> not exist ---> patron id ---> exist ---> yes ---> ---> not exist ---> S.O.P ( not exist ) patron id ---> exist ---> >3books @ <3bookssearch : patron id ---> exist ---> true ---> print ---> s.o.p ( ---> false ---> s.o.p (Please read the posting guidelines.We don''t do students'' homework here.If you''ve written some code and are stuck with it then you can post it we''ll be willing to help.yes..we r stuck here.. we r newbie n need some help n guidelines 这篇关于图书馆信息系统的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-15 14:36