


I havent used synEdit for a while, but today I found that I needed a good editor for a form with script support. As I went to download synEdit (which my mind had frozen in time as a "sure thing") I found that the original author had abandoned it. I am aware that FreePascal has a synEdit version - and I hear there is a more recent unicode version out there "somewhere"-- but where exactly can I get the newest and best version?

如果可能的话,我希望支持unicode,但更重要的是支持动态样式(能够在下划线关键字中添加标记,就像在访问刚键入的类的变量时使用Delphi一样)。 / p>

I would prefer unicode support if it's possible, but more importantly is support for dynamic styling (being able to add tokens to underline keywords, a bit like Delphi does when you access a variable of a class you just typed).



http://synedit.sourceforge.net has a link to the Unicode version.


09-15 13:09