本文介绍了ZF2 TableGateway 如何获取主键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 MetadataFetature 确定表的主键.但是,数据在受保护的 $sharedData 内,没有任何访问方法.如何访问它们?我是否创建新类只是为了添加getPrimary"方法?

I'm trying to determine primary key of table using MetadataFetature. However, the data are within protected $sharedData without any access method. How to acceess them ? Do I have create new class just to add "getPrimary" method ?

在 AbstractTableGateway 子项中:

Within AbstractTableGateway child:

$metadata = $this->getFeatureSet()->getFeatureByClassName('Zend\Db\TableGateway\Feature\MetadataFeature');


Invalid magic property access in Zend\Db\TableGateway\AbstractTableGateway::__get()


你只需要声明一个 FeatureSet 的后代,以及一个 MetadataFeature 的后代.

You just have to declare a descendant of FeatureSet, and a descendant of MetadataFeature.


In your own FeatureSet, override function canCallMagicGet.Here's an example of how I did it

public function canCallMagicGet($property)
    if ($property == 'metadata'){
        $result = $this->getMetadataFeature();
        return ($result!==FALSE);
    else return parent::canCallMagicGet($property);

在我的例子中,getMetadataFeature 返回在从 FeatureSet 类继承的受保护属性 $features 中找到的第一个 MetadataFeature 实例 (instanceof).

In my case, getMetadataFeature return first occurrence of MetadataFeature instance (instanceof) found in protected property $features inherited from the FeatureSet class.


You may also override this second method, callMagicGet.Here's an example how:

public function callMagicGet($property)
    if ($property == 'metadata'){
        $metadataFeature = $this->getMetadataFeature();
        return $metadataFeature->metadata;
        return parent::callMagicGet($property);

最后,您可以在自己的 MetadataFeature 中声明一个魔法方法 __get.您的 __get 可能会直接从受保护的属性 $sharedData 返回 metadata.

Finally you can declare a magic method __get in your own MetadataFeature. Your __get may return metadata directly from protected property $sharedData.

总而言之,一旦您声明了自己的FeatureSetMetadataFeature 后代,您就可以使用它们代替当前的后代.然后你也许可以打电话

In conclusion, once you have declared your own FeatureSet and MetadataFeature descendants, you may use them instead of current ones.Then you may be able to call



and the metadata collected by MetadataFeature will be available to you.


这篇关于ZF2 TableGateway 如何获取主键的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-15 13:05