我目前正在学习 geddy 教程并遇到了一行代码:
I'm currently working through a geddy tutorial and came across a line of code:
<%- partial('form', {step: {}, toDos: toDos}) %>
What does partial mean? I've done a google search without much insight. I'm guessing it means that you partially load the content so the page loads faster?
Any explanations or helpful links would be appreciated.
我已经有一段时间没有编写代码了,所以如果我应该查看我遗漏的特定编码方法(例如 OOP、MVC),请告诉我.
It's been a while since I've coded so if I should be looking at a particular method of coding (e.g. OOP, MVC) that I'm missing let me know.
我在专家交流中收到了 Dan Craciun 的回答,为我解答:
I received this answer by Dan Craciun on experts exchange which answers it for me:
在 geddy 中,部分(由名称前面的 _ 表示)是可重用的文件/模板,旨在用于多个模板.它有助于在不同模板之间共享代码.
In geddy, a partial (denoted by a _ in front of the name) is a reusable file/template, that is meant to be used in more than one template. It helps share code between different templates.
See here for a longer explanation (about half page, "An intro to partials"): http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-a-todo-list-app-with-nodejs-and-geddy--net-24535