Given the following BEM tree structure, where five nested levels exist:
code>语义上绑定到 byline 和 story 上下文,但在 features-top 和 collection-main 块,什么是最好的BEM名称?Since an author is semantically tied to the byline and the story context, but meaningless under the features-top and collection-main blocks, what is the best BEM name?
collection-main__author features-top__author story__author (best?) story__byline__author byline__author如果引入了新的功能块,会发生什么?
What happens if a new features block gets introduced?
collection-main__features-top__story__byline__author (target) collection-main__features-bottom__story__byline__author features-top__story__author story--features-top__author (best?)最后,如果另一个
Finally, what happens if another collection block gets added and we want to style the second author element in the list?
collection-main__features-top__story__byline__author collection-main__features-bottom__story__byline__author (target) collection-sub__features-top__story__byline__author collection-sub__features-bottom__story__byline__author我们会这样做吗?
BEM标记中最典型的错误 - 写一个 block__element__element 。
您必须创建新的块,而不是复制DOM树。BEM prohibits put an elements in the elements in CSS!
You make the most typical error in BEM markup - writing a block__element__element.You must create new blocks, rather than copying DOM-tree.例如:
Right HTML:For example:
Right HTML:<div class='block'> <div class='block__elem1'> <div class='block__elem2'></div> </div> <div class='block__elem3'></div> </div>右侧CSS:
.block {} .block__elem1 {} .block__elem2 {} .block__elem3 {}如果你需要创建一个元素的元素,那么你需要创建一个新的块或者使你的bem树有一个嵌套的元素!
<div class='block'> <div class='block__elem1'> <div class='block__elem1__elem2'></div> </div> </div>右键#1:建立新区块
<div class='block1'> <div class='block2'> <div class='block2__elem'></div> </div> </div>RIGHT#2:使用单个嵌套元素创建您的bem树
RIGHT #2: Make your bem-tree with a single nested elements
<div class='block'> <div class='block__elem1'> <div class='block__elem2'></div> </div> </div>注意 - 你不能将元素放在css的元素中,并应将元素放入一个元素到html! DOM树和BEM树可以不同。
Pay attention - you can not put elements in a elements in the css, but you can and should put elements in a elements into html! DOM-tree and BEM-tree can be different.
.block {} .block-elem1 {} .block-elem1__elem2 {}当尝试移动块时遇到奇数名称的问题:
Because you get a problem with odd names when you try to move the block:
<div class='other-block'> <div class='block-elem1'></div> </div>嵌套的html元素是一个DOM树。
感觉不同!Nested html-elements is a DOM-tree.
The names of the classes you write is a BEM-tree.
Feel the difference!DOM-tree:
<ul> <li> <a> <span></span> </a> </li> </ul> .ul {} .ul > li {} .ul > li > a {} .ul > li > a > span {}BEM树:
<ul class="menu"> <li class="menu__item"> <a class="menu__link"> <span class="menu__text"></span> </a> </li> </ul> .menu {} .menu__item {} .menu__link {} .menu__text {}参考文献:
阅读Vitaly Harisov,BEM方法的作者:An element is a part of a block! Not part of element!Read Vitaly Harisov, the author of BEM-methodology: https://twitter.com/harisov/status/403421669974618112
- https://en.bem.info/methodology/faq/#why-does-bem-not-recommend-using-elements-within-elements-block__elem1__elem2
- http://getbem.com/faq/#css-nested-elements
+ slides:
There is a report (in Russian) on a web conference WebCamp: Front-end Developers Day about this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBgHdSOj33A+ slides: http://ihorzenich.github.io/talks/2015/frontendweekend-bem/