

我有一个不和谐的机器人,我只是想知道:我如何知道这个机器人在多少个公会中?所以如果我说 -guilds 它会告诉我它在多少个公会中.

I have a discord bot, and I was just wondering: how do I find out how many guilds the bot is in? So that if I say -guilds it'll tell me how many guilds it's in.


我将把命令留给你,但要获得机器人可用的公会,你必须使用 <Client>.guilds.

I'll leave the command up to you, but to get the bot's available guilds, you must use <Client>.guilds.

这是一个公会集合,因此要获得集合的大小,您只需 <Client>.guilds.size

This is a collection of guilds so to get the size of a collection all you have to do is <Client>.guilds.size

此信息也在 discord.js文档.


- Trifex

在评论中,@NicoHd105 指出,从 discord.js v12 开始,检索bot 所属的所有公会都是 <Client>.guilds.cache,意思是获取公会的大小必须使用 <Client>.guilds.cache.size

In the comments, @NicoHd105 noted that as of discord.js v12, the proper way to retrieve a collection of all guilds a bot is part of is <Client>.guilds.cache, meaning to get the size of the guilds you must use <Client>.guilds.cache.size!


10-21 01:21