我在自定义我的 QLPreviewController
I have an issue in customizing the appearance of my QLPreviewController
我们可以显示一个QLPreviewController它在导航控制器中,或者在ModalViewController中呈现。由于我的navigationController的bar是自定义一点(tintColor),我推动QLPreviewController保留我的颜色方案。但是当我推它,QLPreviewController似乎有一些问题:我需要系统调用 [qlpvc reloadData] ,以便我的文件显示。
We can display a QLPreviewController by pushing it in a navigation controller, or presenting it in a ModalViewController. Since my navigationController's bar is customized a little (tintColor), I'm pushing the QLPreviewController to preserve my color scheme. But when I push it, the QLPreviewController seems to have some problems : I need to systematically call [qlpvc reloadData] so that my file is displayed.
在iOS [已编辑]中,即使使用reloadData,也不会以推送方式显示任何内容(实际上它以随机方式显示)。所以我决定只使用可靠的Modal方式可能很有趣。
In iOS [REDACTED], even with reloadData, nothing displays in the pushing way, (actually it displays but in a random way). So I decided it could be interesting to only use the reliable Modal way.
Soooo my point is that I want to present my QLPreviewController in a ModalViewController. It works great that way, but I can't customize the viewController appearance.
例如在 didSelectRowAtIndexPath
For example in a didSelectRowAtIndexPath
if I do :
(I don't have my sources near to me so excuse me if I do a mistake)
QLPreviewController *qlpvc = [[QLPreviewController alloc] init];
qlpvc.dataSource = self; // Data Source Protocol & methods implemented of course
No need for delegate in my case so //qlpvc.delegate = self;
qlpvc.currentPreviewItemIndex = [indexPath.row];
// The following doesn't work :
[qlpvc.navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
// The following doesn't work too :
[qlpvc.modalViewController.navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[self presentModalViewController:qlpvc animated:YES];
[qlpvc release];
tl; dr版本: 如何管理自定义我的模式 QLPreviewController的外观?特别是navigationBar的tintColor?
tl ; dr version : How to manage to customize my modal QLPreviewController's appearance ? Especially the tintColor of the navigationBar ?
This works, but I don't know if it will be rejected by Apple as it's not a published method and may break in future versions of the OS. Works in iOS6.
Add to the preview controller datasource method:
- (id <QLPreviewItem>)previewController:(QLPreviewController *)controller previewItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
for (id object in controller.childViewControllers)
if ([object isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]])
UINavigationController *navController = object;
navController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.107 green:0.360 blue:0.668 alpha:1.000];
NSString *pathToPdfDoc = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyPDFFile" ofType:@"pdf"];
return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:pathToPdfDoc];