本文介绍了Guava MultiSet对比地图?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My understanding of Multiset is a set with frequency, but I can always use Map to represent the frequency, is there other reason to use Multiset?


Multiset< E> 优于地图< E,整数>

  • 添加尚未包含在集合中的元素时不需要特殊代码。

  • 直接处理元素数: count(E) add(E,int)等等。

  • 代码的意图更清晰。 Multiset< E> 显然将元素映射到它们的计数。 Map< E,Integer> 可以将元素映射到任意整数。

  • No special code required when adding an element that is not already in the collection.
  • Methods for handling the count of elements directly: count(E), add(E, int), etc.
  • The intention of the code is clearer. A Multiset<E> obviously maps the elements to their counts. A Map<E, Integer> could map the elements to arbitrary integers.


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10-22 00:09