

当前,当我在outputTemplate中使用 {Timestamp} 时,它似乎是由 DateTime.Now 和因此具有 DateTimeKind.Local 的风味,因为当我给它指定 o说明符时,它会产生类似于 2016-02-12T09:51的输出: 34.4477761-08:00

Currently when I use {Timestamp} in an outputTemplate it appears to have been generated by DateTime.Now and therefore being of DateTimeKind.Local flavor since, when I give it an "o" specifier it produces output similar to 2016-02-12T09:51:34.4477761-08:00

对于上述示例,我想得到的是 2016-02- 12T17:51:34.4477761Z ,如果 Timestamp 小于。

What I'd like to get instead for the above example is 2016-02-12T17:51:34.4477761Z, which would have been produced had the Timestamp been of DateTimeKind.Utc.


看起来实际上是所以没有 DateTimeKind 已生效,而底层 DateTime 始终为 DateTimeKind.Unspecified 。 指出,在格式化 DateTimeOffset DateTime 时的行为,特别是:

It looks like it is actually DateTimeOffset that gets instantiated there so no DateTimeKind is in effect, rather it looks like underlying DateTime is always of DateTimeKind.Unspecified. MSDN notes that there is some difference in behavior when formatting DateTimeOffset vs DateTime, specifically:


The conversion is exactly what I want but I also need fractions.


似乎存在局限性在 DateTimeOffset 格式中将阻止此操作。

It appears the limitation in DateTimeOffset formatting is going to thwart this.

另一种选择(只要附加属性不会膨胀输出到其他位置)是将Serilog ILogEventEnricher 添加到管道中:

An alternative (so long as the additional property doesn't bloat output somewhere else) is to add a Serilog ILogEventEnricher to the pipeline:

class UtcTimestampEnricher : ILogEventEnricher {
  public void Enrich(LogEvent logEvent, ILogEventPropertyFactory lepf) {
      lepf.CreateProperty("UtcTimestamp", logEvent.Timestamp.UtcDateTime));

然后您可以使用 {在输出模板中输入UtcTimestamp:o} 即可获取所需的值。

You can then use {UtcTimestamp:o} in your output template to get the value you need.


09-15 00:24