我需要一种简单的方法来拦截来自客户端Linux机器(Mint,Ubuntu,OpenSuse)的所有HTTP请求.我正在使用ZAP攻击代理.单独配置Web浏览器和客户端应用程序以使用ZAP Attack作为代理不是我的选择.优选地,它必须以类似于Fiddler的方式来捕获所有请求,而没有任何配置或具有最低配置.
I need a simple way to intercept all HTTP requests from client Linux machine (Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSuse). I am using ZAP Attack Proxy. Configuring web browsers and client applications individually to use ZAP Attack as a proxy is not an option for me. Preferably it must capture all requests in a Fiddler-like manner, with no or minimum configuration.
How do I configure ZAP attack as a system-wide proxy?
Cant you set ZAP as a proxy in the global network settings?That works for me on Fedora, I'm afraid I dont have a Mint/Ubuntu/OpenSuse system to try out, but this post implies its the same on Ubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/664777/systemwide-proxy-settings-in-ubuntu
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