![threeDArray threeDArray]()
本文介绍了如何使用锯齿状阵列收集信息?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述Hello. I am a new guy to C# (going for a master degree), so my teacher jumped streight to giving us homework. So, what I need to do is : to collect data about student's marks using jagged arrays.1st: we must introduce data about the list of courses using a vector....2nd: we must introduce data about the list of students using a vector...3rd: we must generate a random irregulated parallelepiped using the marks of each student at each course...Frankly, I have no ideea how to do this and my teacher isn't helping me either, he's not explaining very well, can you help me? 我的尝试:What I have tried:string [][][] stud = new string[4][5][8]; 这就是我能想到的......That's all I could come up with...推荐答案'a one dimensional array accepts no arrays, simply objects Dim oneDArray()As Integer = {4,5,8}Dim oneDArray() As Integer = {4, 5, 8}'a two dimensional array accepts only arrays and that of one dimensional Dim twoDArray()()As Integer = {oneDArray,anotherOneDArray,etc1 ..} Dim threeDArray()()()As Integer = {twoDArray,anotherTwoDArray,etc2 ......,another_etc2 ....} threeDArray(0)返回twoDArray threeDArray(1)返回anotherTwoDArray threeDArray(2)返回etc2 ...... threeDArray(3)返回another_etc2 ... threeDArray(0)(0)返回oneDArray threeDArray(0)(0) (0)返回4.(见上文{4,5,8})Dim twoDArray()() As Integer = {oneDArray, anotherOneDArray, etc1..}Dim threeDArray()()() As Integer = {twoDArray, anotherTwoDArray, etc2..., another_etc2....}threeDArray(0) returns twoDArraythreeDArray(1) returns anotherTwoDArraythreeDArray(2) returns etc2...threeDArray(3) returns another_etc2...threeDArray(0)(0) returns oneDArraythreeDArray(0)(0)(0) returns 4. (see above {4,5,8}) 这篇关于如何使用锯齿状阵列收集信息?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-14 21:08