

我有一个 dijit.form.FilteringSelect 组件,我想动态更改选项。但是我从dijit.form.FilteringSelectwith它的商店财产获得商店;商店中没有设定器功能。 (它可能是一个dojo.store.Reader)

I have a dijit.form.FilteringSelect component and I want to change the options dynamically. But I get the store from the dijit.form.FilteringSelectwith its store property; there is no setter function in the store. (It may be a dojo.store.Reader)

那么如何更改 dijit.form.FilteringSelect ?我应该直接使用DOM进行更改吗?有没有办法更新 dijit.form.FilteringSelect 之后的商店?

So how can I change the option of dijit.form.FilteringSelect? Should I change it directly with DOM? Is there any way to update the store behind dijit.form.FilteringSelect?



there is two type of data store in dojo:

  1. - 只读数据存储

  2. - 在dojo.data.api.Write上添加的ItemFileReadStore的扩展

  1. dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore - readonly datastore
  2. dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore - extension of ItemFileReadStore that adds on the dojo.data.api.Write

在你的情况下,你应该使用ItemFileWriteStore - 它提供了在商店中修改数据的功能。

In your case, you should use ItemFileWriteStore - it provides functions for modifying data in store.



You have array of countries and you want to use it in filtering select:

   abbr: 'ec',
   name: 'Ecuador',
   capital: 'Quito'
   abbr: 'eg',
   name: 'Egypt',
   capital: 'Cairo'
   abbr: 'et',
   name: 'Ethiopia',
   capital: 'Addis Ababa'


First of all you will need to create data store js-variable for ItemFileWriteStore.


   var storeData = {
       identifier: 'abbr',
       label: 'name',
       items: //YOUR COUTRIES ARRAY

下一步 - 在html标记中声明过滤select和itemFileWriteStore:

Next step - declare filtering select and itemFileWriteStore in html markup:

<div dojotype="dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore" data="storeData" jsid="countryStore"></div>
<div dojotype="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" store="countryStore" searchattr="name" id="filtSelect"></div>


And finally create special functions for add/delete/modify items in filtering select:


function addItem() {
   var usa = countryStore.newItem({ abbr: 'us', name: 'United States', capital: 'Washington DC' });


I hope here is all clear. Only small note: "identifier" field ("abbr" in our case) must be unique in store

删除项目 - 例如删除名称为美利坚合众国的所有项目

Delete Items - e.g. removing all items with name "United States of America"

function removeItem() {

   var gotNames = function (items, request) {
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

   countryStore.fetch({ query: { name: "United States of America" }, queryOptions: { ignoreCase: true }, onComplete: gotNames });   

正如你所看到的,我已经创建了查询,找到名为== 美利坚合众国在数据存储中。执行查询后,将调用函数gotNames。

As you can see i have created query, that finds items with name == "United States of America" in data store. After the query is executed, function "gotNames" will be called.function gotNames removes all items that query return.

最后一个功能 - 编辑项目

And last function - Edit Item


it is similar to the delete function. only one difference:

您应该使用itemFileWriteStore的 setValue()方法来更改项目属性:

you should use setValue() method of itemFileWriteStore for changing item property:

countryStore.setValue(item, "name", newValue); 


10-15 04:43