


I'm trying to obtain centrality measures for a directed, weighted network. I've been using the igraph and tnet packages in R. However, I've discovered some differences in the results obtained using these two packages, and I'm a little confused about the cause of these differences. See below.


m <- expand.grid(from = 1:4, to = 1:4)
m <- m[m$from != m$to, ]
m$weight <- sample(1:7, 12, replace = T)
igraph_g <- graph.data.frame(m)
tnet_g <- as.tnet(m)

closeness(igraph_g, mode = "in")

         2          3          4          1
0.05882353 0.12500000 0.07692308 0.09090909

closeness(igraph_g, mode = "out")

         2          3          4          1
0.12500000 0.06250000 0.06666667 0.10000000

closeness(igraph_g, mode = "total")

         2          3          4          1
0.12500000 0.14285714 0.07692308 0.16666667

closeness_w(tnet_g, directed = T, alpha = 1)

     node closeness n.closeness
[1,]    1 0.2721088  0.09070295
[2,]    2 0.2448980  0.08163265
[3,]    3 0.4130809  0.13769363
[4,]    4 0.4081633  0.13605442


Anybody know what's going on?


发布此问题后,我偶然发现了博客tnet软件包的维护者Tore Opsahl维护.我在博客的此帖子.这是托尔的回应:

After posting this question, I stumbled upon a blog maintained by Tore Opsahl, maintainer of of the tnet package. I asked this same question of Tore using the comments on this post of the blog. Here is Tore's response:


Thus, if you run the following code provided by Tore (which takes the inverse of the weights before passing them to igraph), you obtain equivalent closeness scores for both tnet and igraph.

> # Load packages
> library(tnet)
> # Create random network (you could also use the rg_w-function)
> m <- expand.grid(from = 1:4, to = 1:4)
> m <- m[m$from != m$to, ]
> m$weight <- sample(1:7, 12, replace = T)
> # Make tnet object and calculate closeness
> closeness_w(m)

     node closeness n.closeness
[1,]    1 0.2193116  0.07310387
[2,]    2 0.3809524  0.12698413
[3,]    3 0.2825746  0.09419152
[4,]    4 0.3339518  0.11131725

> # igraph
> # Invert weights (transform into costs from strengths)
> # Multiply weights by mean (just scaling, not really)
> m$weight <- mean(m$weight)/m$weight
> # Transform into igraph object
> igraph_g <- graph.data.frame(m)
> # Compute closeness
> closeness(igraph_g, mode = "out")

        2         3         4         1
0.3809524 0.2825746 0.3339518 0.2193116


09-14 12:29