




Assalam O Alaikum!

我必须在visual studio 2012上运行此代码,但它给出了错误或名称空间。

我是否可以安装任何可用于在visual studio 2012上运行此代码的更新。


<?xml version =" 1.0"编码= QUOT; ISO-8859-1"独立= QUOT;否] ?> 

< GSP VER =" 3.2">
< TM> 0.452923< / TM>
< Q> socer< / Q>

< PARAM name =" cx"值= QUOT; 00255077836266642015:U-scht7a-8I" original_value = QUOT; 00255077836266642015%3AU-scht7a-8I" />
< PARAM name =" hl"值= QUOT;恩" original_value = QUOT;恩" />
< PARAM name =" q"值= QUOT; socer" original_value = QUOT; socer" />
< PARAM name =" output"值= QUOT; XML" original_value = QUOT; XML" />
< PARAM name =" client"值= QUOT;谷歌-CSBE" original_value = QUOT;谷歌-CSBE" />
< PARAM name =" num"值= QUOT; 10" original_value = QUOT; 10" />
< Suggestion q =" soccer">< b>< i> soccer< / i>< / b>< / Suggestion>
< /拼写>
< Context>

< title> Sample Vacation CSE< / title>
< Facet>
< FacetItem>
< label>餐厅< / label>
< anchor_text> restaurants< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< FacetItem>
< label>酿酒厂< / label>
< anchor_text>酿酒厂< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< / Facet>
< Facet>
< FacetItem>
< label> golf_courses< / label>
< anchor_text>高尔夫球场< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< / Facet>
< Facet>
< FacetItem>
< label>酒店< / label>
< anchor_text> hotels< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< / Facet>
< Facet>
< FacetItem>
< label> nightlife< / label>
< anchor_text> nightlife< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< / Facet>
< Facet>
< FacetItem>
< label> soccer_sites< / label>
< anchor_text>足球网站< / anchor_text>
< / FacetItem>
< / Facet>
< / Context>
< RES SN =" 1" EN =" 10">
< M> 6080< / M>
/ *
* set已被过滤。如果结果的数量是准确的,
* FI标记将被相同格式的XT标记替换。
* /
< FI />
< NB>
/ *
* /
< NU> /搜索q = socer&安培; HL = EN&安培; LR =&安培,即= UTF-8和;输出= XML&安培;客户=试验&安培;开始= 10安培; SA = N< / NU>
< / NB>
< R N =" 1">
< U> http://www.soccerconnection.net/< / U>
< UE> http://www.soccerconnection.net/< / UE>
< T> SoccerConnection.net< / T>
< CRAWLDATE> 2007年5月21日< / CRAWLDATE>
< S>< b> soccer< / b> ;;玩家;教练;球;世界杯;< b> ...< / b>< / S>
< Label> transcodable_pages< / Label>
< Label> accessible< / Label>
< Label> soccer_sites< / Label>
< LANG> zh< / LANG>
< HAS>
< DI>
< DT> SoccerConnection.net< / DT>
< DS>发布您的< b>足球< / b>直接在互联网上恢复。< / DS>
< / DI>
< L />
< C SZ =" 8k" CID =" kWAPoYw1xIUJ" />
< RT />
< / HAS>
< / R>
/ *
* /
< / RES>
< / GSP>


Assalam O Alaikum!

I have to run this code on visual studio 2012 but its giving error or name space.

Is there any update available that I can install to run this code on visual studio 2012.

I have taken this code from Google developer guide.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>

<GSP VER="3.2">

<PARAM name="cx" value="00255077836266642015:u-scht7a-8i" original_value="00255077836266642015%3Au-scht7a-8i"/>
   <PARAM name="hl" value="en" original_value="en"/>
   <PARAM name="q" value="socer" original_value="socer"/>
   <PARAM name="output" value="xml" original_value="xml"/>
   <PARAM name="client" value="google-csbe" original_value="google-csbe"/>
   <PARAM name="num" value="10" original_value="10"/>
      <Suggestion q="soccer"><b><i>soccer</i></b></Suggestion>

<title>Sample Vacation CSE</title>
        <anchor_text>golf courses</anchor_text>
        <anchor_text>soccer sites</anchor_text>
   <RES SN="1" EN="10">
       * The FI tag after the comment indicates that the result
       * set has been filtered. If the number of results were exact, the
       * FI tag would be replaced by an XT tag in the same format.
      <FI />
          * Since the request is for the first page of results, the PU tag,
          * which contains a link to the previous page of search results,
          * is not included in this XML result. If the sample result did include
          * a previous page of results, it would be listed here, in the same format
          * as the NU tag on the following line
      <R N="1">
              <CRAWLDATE>May 21, 2007</CRAWLDATE>
         <S><b>soccer</b>; players; coaches; ball; world cup;<b>...</b></S>
               <DS>Post your <b>soccer</b> resume directly on the Internet.</DS>
            <C SZ="8k" CID="kWAPoYw1xIUJ"/>
       * The result includes nine more results, each enclosed by an R tag.



09-14 12:07