对象的集合. Foo是一次性的,因此,无论何时处置一个孩子,它都会将其添加到父母的Children系列中.
I've got a Type that we'll call Foo
that can hold a collection of children Foo
objects. Foo is Disposable, so when ever a child is disposed of, it will then add itself to the parent's Children collection.
using (var a = AddChild(Root, "a"))
using (var a1 = AddChild(a, "a1"))
using (var a1a = AddChild(a1, "a1a"))
In this example a1a
is only added to a1
when it is disposed, and not before. What I am having difficulty in figuring out is a clean way of writing a GetAllFoos
method that returns all of the objects in a flattened list, in a FILO order.
In this case, would I just recursively iterate over each child, or is there some fancy LINQ I can use to try and consolidate these collections? I'm using this to take performance measurement snapshots through-out the app, and it's possible that we would call GetAllMeasurements in some cases during a profile so the performance of the method call is important.
This is a complete example app that shows what the expected results would look like. I have to support both FIFO and FILO. I've got a FIFO implementation working but I'm not sure on the best way to handle this inversely for FILO.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FILO_Example
public class Foo : IDisposable
internal Foo parent;
public Foo(Foo parent = null)
this.parent = parent;
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Foo> Children { get; } = new List<Foo>();
public void Dispose() => this.parent.Children.Add(this);
class Program
public static Foo Root { get; } = new Foo { Name = "Root" };
static void Main(string[] args)
// level 1
using (var a = AddChild(Root, "a"))
using (var a1 = AddChild(a, "a1"))
using (var a1a = AddChild(a1, "a1a"))
using (var a2 = AddChild(a, "a2"))
using (var b = AddChild(Root, "b"))
using (var b1 = AddChild(b, "b1"))
List<Foo> allFoos = GetAllFoosFILO().ToList();
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[0]); // Should be b1
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[1]); // Should be b
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[2]); // Should be a2
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[3]); // Should be a1a
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[4]); // Should be a1
Console.WriteLine(allFoos[5]); // Should be a
static IEnumerable<Foo> GetAllFoosFILO()
return new List<Foo>();
static IEnumerable<Foo> GetAllFoosFIFO()
var fooStack = new Stack<Foo>();
while (fooStack.Count > 0)
Foo currentFoo = fooStack.Pop();
yield return currentFoo;
// If we have children, add them in reverse order so that it's a First-In-First-Out stack
// then the while loop will yield each child element.
if (currentFoo.Children.Count > 0)
List<Foo> fooChildren = currentFoo.Children;
for (int currentIndex = fooChildren.Count - 1; currentIndex >= 0; currentIndex--)
static Foo AddChild(Foo parent, string name)
var child = new Foo(parent) { Name = name };
return child;
As I mentioned in the comments, you have a tree structure. There is no fancy efficient standard LINQ solution, but you can utilize the quite efficient generic Traverse
method form my answer to Enumerating Directories iteratively in "postorder":
public static class TreeHelper
public static IEnumerable<T> Traverse<T>(T node, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenSelector, bool preOrder = true)
var stack = new Stack<IEnumerator<T>>();
var e = Enumerable.Repeat(node, 1).GetEnumerator();
while (true)
while (e.MoveNext())
var item = e.Current;
var children = childrenSelector(item);
if (children == null)
yield return item;
if (preOrder) yield return item;
e = children.GetEnumerator();
if (stack.Count == 0) break;
e = stack.Pop();
if (!preOrder) yield return e.Current;
while (stack.Count != 0) stack.Pop().Dispose();
With that helper, the GetAllFoosFIFO()
is simple as that:
static IEnumerable<Foo> GetAllFoosFIFO()
return TreeHelper.Traverse(Root, foo => foo.Children.Count > 0 ? foo.Children : null);
,您需要传递preorder = false
while for GetAllFoosFILO()
you need to pass preorder = false
and iterate Children
in reverse order:
static IEnumerable<Foo> GetAllFoosFILO()
return TreeHelper.Traverse(Root, foo => foo.Children.Count > 0 ?
Enumerable.Range(0, foo.Children.Count)
.Select(i => foo.Children[foo.Children.Count - 1 - i]) : null, false);