![rpivotTable rpivotTable]()
本文介绍了下载rpivotTable输出闪亮的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我发现一个有趣的包 rpivotTable 。 我想创建闪亮的应用程序,其中包括 rpivotTable ,可以使用 downloadHandler 。 但是,我无法找到解决方案,如何创建数据。框架或其他可以传递给 downloadHandler 功能的其他内容。 rpivotTable 创建一个类的对象: class(pivot) [1]rpivotTablehtmlwidget 是thren任何下载输出的可能性的这个功能? 另外,我附上了一个例子,如何创建闪光的枢轴以及我想使用的下载功能的例子。 p> 也许是任何其他想法或建议吗? set.seed 1992)n = 99 年份< - sample(2013:2015,n,replace = TRUE,prob = NULL) Month< - sample(1:12,n,replace = TRUE,prob = NULL)类别< - sample(c(Car,Bus,Bike),n,replace = TRUE,prob = NULL)品牌< ,n,replace = TRUE,prob = NULL)品牌< - paste0(品牌,样本(1:14,n,替换= TRUE,prob = NULL)) USD df< - data.frame(年,月,类别,品牌,美元) 输出$ Pivot< - rpivotTable :: renderRpivotTable({ rpivotTable(data = df,rows =Brand,col =Category,vals =USD,aggregatorName =Sum,rendererName =Table )}) 输出$ downloadData< - downloadHandler( filename = function(){paste(filename,'.csv' sep ='')}, content = function(file){ write.csv(PivotOutput,file)}) 解决方案我刚刚在github上推送了rpivotTable的主分支,解决了获取用户参数的问题是/已经在服务器端看过e。 使用 devtools 下载 rpivotTable 代码: devtools :: install_github(smartinsightsfromdata / rpivotTable,ref =master) 这是一个如何在服务器端获取所选数据的示例。该示例不完整满足您的需求:您需要将原始数据框架与从rpivotTable返回的内容进行子集。但是这应该足够给你一个开端。 库(rpivotTable)库(闪亮) list_to_string< - function(obj,listname){ if(is.null(names(obj))){ paste(listname,[[,seq_along )]] =,obj, sep =,collapse =\\\)} else {粘贴(listname,$,names(obj) ,=,obj, sep =,collapse =\\\)} } 服务器&输出){ 输出$ pivotRefresh< - renderText({ cnames< - list(cols,rows,vals aggregateatorName,rendererName)#对所有键应用一个函数,以获取相应的值 allvalues< - lapply(cnames,function(name){ item& $ myPivotData [[name]] if(is.list(item)){ list_to_string(item,name)} else { paste(name,item,sep = =)} })贴(allvalues,collapse =\\\)}) 输出$ mypivot = renderRpivotTable({ rpivotTable(data = cars,onRefresh = htmlwidgets :: JS(function(config){Shiny.onInputChange('myPivotData' } $) ui< - shinyUI(fluidPage( fluidRow(column(6,verbatimTextOutput(pivotRefresh)),列(6,rpivotTableOutput(mypivot))))) shinyApp(ui = ui,server = server) I've found an interesting package rpivotTable.I'd like to create shiny app which includes rpivotTable with the possibility to download generated data using downloadHandler.However, I am unable to find the solution, how to create data.frame or something else which I'd be able to pass to the downloadHandler function.rpivotTable creates an object of class:class(pivot)[1] "rpivotTable" "htmlwidget"Is threne any possibilities to download the output of the this function?Also, I enclose the example, how the pivot is created in shiny and the example of download function which I'd like to use.Maybe are the any other ideas or suggestions?set.seed(1992)n=99Year <- sample(2013:2015, n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)Month <- sample(1:12, n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)Category <- sample(c("Car", "Bus", "Bike"), n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)Brand <- sample("Brand", n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL)Brand <- paste0(Brand, sample(1:14, n, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL))USD <- abs(rnorm(n))*100df <- data.frame(Year, Month, Category, Brand, USD)output$Pivot <- rpivotTable::renderRpivotTable({ rpivotTable(data = df, rows = "Brand", col = "Category", vals = "USD", aggregatorName = "Sum", rendererName = "Table")}) output$downloadData <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste(filename, '.csv', sep='') }, content = function(file) { write.csv(PivotOutput, file)}) 解决方案 I've just pushed on the master branch of rpivotTable on github a change that addresses the issue of getting the parameters the user is / has looked at on the server side.Download the rpivotTable code with devtools:devtools::install_github("smartinsightsfromdata/rpivotTable",ref="master")This is an example of how to get the selected data on the server side. The example is not complete for your needs: you need to subset the original data frame with what you get back from rpivotTable. But this should be enough to give you an head start.library(rpivotTable)library(shiny)list_to_string <- function(obj, listname) { if (is.null(names(obj))) { paste(listname, "[[", seq_along(obj), "]] = ", obj, sep = "", collapse = "\n") } else { paste(listname, "$", names(obj), " = ", obj, sep = "", collapse = "\n") }}server <- function(input, output) {output$pivotRefresh <- renderText({cnames <- list("cols","rows","vals", "exclusions","aggregatorName", "rendererName")# Apply a function to all keys, to get corresponding valuesallvalues <- lapply(cnames, function(name) { item <- input$myPivotData[[name]] if (is.list(item)) { list_to_string(item, name) } else { paste(name, item, sep=" = ") }})paste(allvalues, collapse = "\n")})output$mypivot = renderRpivotTable({ rpivotTable(data=cars, onRefresh=htmlwidgets::JS("function(config) { Shiny.onInputChange('myPivotData', config); }")) })}ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( fluidRow(column(6, verbatimTextOutput("pivotRefresh")), column(6, rpivotTableOutput("mypivot") ))))shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) 这篇关于下载rpivotTable输出闪亮的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-14 05:20