


What would be the best practice to have custom code (library of functions) in a project using userfrosting?


As of now, I modify existing userfrosting controllers, which bloats the nice concise code.


I guess there is a nice way to keep custom functions in a place, which will not interfere with Userfrosting's code and thereby not be affected much during userfrosting upgrades.


At the moment, i'd like to have some custom functions for notifications, barcode etc.


Guess using a vendor folder under composer would be ideal? If so, how to go about it?


Does userfrosting have any extensibility like symfony?


Any help / pointer is appreciated!



从0.3.1版本开始,没有一种干净的方法可以将核心交付的代码与开发人员实现的代码分开.对于版本中的次要更新(因此,为0.3.1的修补程序),保持最新状态的最佳方法是使用git将项目设为 fork 的UserFrosting存储库.

As of version 0.3.1, there is no clean way to separate the core shipped code from developer-implemented code. For minor updates within a version (so, hotfixes to 0.3.1), the best way to keep up-to-date is by using git to make your project a fork of the UserFrosting repository.


So for example, you might have spurgeon/brood-crm (your project repo) as a fork of userfrosting/UserFrosting. You can then set userfrosting/UserFrosting as an upstream remote for your repo. Whenever a hotfix is released for userfrosting/UserFrosting, you can sync your fork with the upstream. This will pull changes to the main repo into your project, and give you a chance to resolve any merge conflicts (hopefully, there won't be any).


For people who are not familiar with the distinction between git and GitHub, I should point out that you can do all of this locally, without publishing your fork on GitHub.

UserFrosting 4(最终)将具有一个模块化,完全可扩展的设计.不必直接修改附带的代码,您将可以在单独的目录中覆盖核心路由,模板,架构,资产等.但是,从版本0.3.x升级到版本4可能需要手动完成.

UserFrosting 4 will (finally) have a modular, fully extendable design. Rather than having to directly modify the shipped code, you will be able to override the core routes, templates, schema, assets, etc in a separate directory. Upgrading from version 0.3.x to version 4, however, will probably need to be done manually.
