

CREATE PROCEDURE StudentMessage_Insert(
	_regno VARCHAR(8000),
	_regnoCount INT,
	_isEmail int,
	_isSMS int,
	_isParent int,
	_isStudent int,
	_message text,
	_msgfrom varchar(100),
	_filePath1 varchar(200),
	_filePath2 VARCHAR(200),
	_filePath3 VARCHAR(200),
	_messageTitle VARCHAR(200)
    DECLARE xx  INT;
    DECLARE regnoTemp  nvarchar(100);
    DECLARE _tmpMsg  TEXT;
    DECLARE _PrtUC varchar(100);

    if (_isStudent = 1) then
       SET xx = 0;

        WHILE xx  < _regnoCount DO
            SET  xx = xx + 1;
            -- SELECT SPLIT_STRING(_regno, ',', xx);
            SELECT SPLIT_STRING(_regno, ',', xx) into regnoTemp;
           set _tmpMsg = _message;
            -- Error is in All Replace Keywords - Setting up the Message Tokens
            SET _tmpMsg = replace(_tmpMsg, '{regno}', regnoTemp );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{StudentName}', fn_getStudentName(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{ParentName}', fn_getFatherNameByStudentUserCode(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{StaffName}', fn_getNameByUserCode(_msgfrom) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{ClassName}', fn_getClassNameByUserCode(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{SectionName}', fn_getSectionNameByUserCode(regnoTemp) );

            CALL Student_InsertTimeLine(regnoTemp, _msgfrom, regnoTemp, 'Message',_messageTitle, _tmpMsg, NOW());

            insert into message(msgFrom,msgTo,regno,messageBody,filename1,filename2,filename3,isSMS,isEmail,messageDate)
                values ( _msgfrom,regnoTemp,regnoTemp,_tmpMsg,_filePath1,_filePath2,_filePath3,_isSMS,_isEmail, NOW());

        END WHILE;
    end if;

    IF (_isParent = 1) THEN
       SET xx = 0;

        WHILE xx  < _regnoCount DO
            SET  xx = xx + 1;
                -- SELECT SPLIT_STRING(_regno, ',', xx);
                SELECT SPLIT_STRING(_regno, ',', xx) INTO regnoTemp;
            set _tmpMsg = _message;
            -- Error is in  All Replace Keywords - Setting up the Message Tokens
            SET _tmpMsg = replace(_tmpMsg, '{regno}', regnoTemp );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{StudentName}', fn_getStudentName(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{ParentName}', fn_getFatherNameByStudentUserCode(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{StaffName}', fn_getNameByUserCode(_msgfrom) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{ClassName}', fn_getClassNameByUserCode(regnoTemp) );
            SET _tmpMsg = replace (_tmpMsg, '{SectionName}', fn_getSectionNameByUserCode(regnoTemp) );

            SET _PrtUC = fn_getParentUCByStudent(regnoTemp);

            CALL Student_InsertTimeLine(regnoTemp, _msgfrom, _PrtUC, 'Message', _messageTitle,_tmpMsg, NOW());

            INSERT INTO message(msgFrom,msgTo,regno,messageBody,filename1,filename2,filename3,isSMS,isEmail,messageDate)
                VALUES ( _msgfrom,_PrtUC,regnoTemp,_tmpMsg,_filePath1,_filePath2,_filePath3,_isSMS,_isEmail, NOW());

        END WHILE;
    END IF;


CALL StudentMessage_Insert ('UA12','1','1','0','1','1','Today will be holiday due to dynamic.','AD11','','','','Important Notice')






I am getting this ERROR:

SQL execution error #1270. Response from the database:
Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT),
(utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation



09-13 22:17