本文介绍了Django 通过对两个字段的查询进行不同的分组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个有 2 个字段的模型.

I have a model which have 2 fields.

class MyModel:
   tcode = Charfield
   created_on = Date field
   #some more fields


now this model can have multiple rows with same tcode, and each row can have different day or same.


tcode1, 1/2/2001
tcode2, 1/2/2001
tcode2, 2/2/2001

我想过滤此模型上的查询,以便 tcode 和日期字段组合应该是唯一的.我怎样才能得到所有这些对象.

I want to filter query on this model such that tcode and date field combination should be unique. how can I get all those objects.


MyModel.objects.all().order_by('tcode').distinct('tcode', 'created_on')


Now you may ask that in case if there are two rows with same data in two fields which one row I want! it doesn't matter to me, any row would work fine.



I don't think there's one single query that could do this, because there's no mechanism from database to pick random one from duplicates. However, if you only care about those two fields, you could do:

MyModel.objects.order_by('tcode').values('tcode', 'created_on').distinct()

这不会为您提供完整的 MyModel 对象,而是包含 tcodecreated_on 的所有现有组合的字典列表.

This won't give you complete MyModel objects, but a list of dictionaries that contain all the existing combinations of tcode and created_on.

这篇关于Django 通过对两个字段的查询进行不同的分组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-13 04:48