本文介绍了sql server日期范围之间的价格差异的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


price	   volume	mId	Dated
574.07     16106        1       2012-12-18
572.94     15044        1       2012-12-18
576.78     14197        1       2012-12-18
999.28     39669        2       2012-12-19
999.67     37937        2       2012-12-19
1006.89    37274        2       2012-12-19
870.91     56737        3       2012-12-20
865.31     49047        3       2012-12-20
865.00     43507        3       2012-12-20


请帮助我这个感谢表名称是.. Marketstock

Actually i need the best mID from dated 2012-12-18 to 2012-12-20. Means i need to something with price difference so that i get percentage of which category doing best.
please help me on this thanks table name is .. Marketstock


select max(price) - min(price)
from table
where Dated between '18 Dec 2012' and '19 Dec 2012'

With Cte as
(Select mid,MAX(price)-MIN(price) as diff from test group BY mid,dated)
SELECT mid from cte where DIFF=(select MAX(diff) from cte)


My table and sample insert

CREATE table test
(Price decimal(18,2),
volume int,
mid int,
dated datetime)

INSERT INTO test values
(574.07,     16106,        1,      '' 2012-12-18''),
(572.94,     15044 ,       1,       ''2012-12-18''),
(576.78 ,    14197,        1 ,      ''2012-12-18''),
(999.28  ,   39669,        2,       ''2012-12-19''),
(999.67  ,   37937 ,       2,       ''2012-12-19''),
(1006.89 ,   37274 ,       2,       ''2012-12-19''),
(870.91  ,   56737,        3  ,     ''2012-12-20''),
(865.31  ,   49047,        3 ,     ''2012-12-20''),
(865.00  ,   43507,        3  ,     ''2012-12-20'')

这篇关于sql server日期范围之间的价格差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-13 04:46