

我如何编程引发Linux的系统关机或重启? preferably而不需要提升的权限。

How do I programatically trigger a system shutdown or reboot in Linux? Preferably without requiring elevated privileges.

在旧版本(如Ubuntu的10.04),我可以打电话给HAL的 org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Shutdown 重新启动使用的D-Bus方法。参见:http://people.freedesktop.org/~dkukawka/hal-spec-git/hal-spec.html#interface-device-systempower.

On older releases (e.g. Ubuntu 10.04) I could call HAL's org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Shutdown or Reboot methods using D-Bus. See: http://people.freedesktop.org/~dkukawka/hal-spec-git/hal-spec.html#interface-device-systempower.

然而HAL似乎是过时的,并且不是在Ubuntu 12.10 present。什么是当前的最佳实践这样做?

However HAL appears to be obsolete, and is not present in Ubuntu 12.10. What is the current best-practice for doing this?


您可以使用工具。它包含源$ C ​​$ c代表不同的关闭,从ConsoleKit的为Gnome和KDE的API。

You can also take a look at the KShutdown utility. It contains source code for different shutdown methods, ranging from ConsoleKit to Gnome and KDE APIs.


09-13 00:33