

我正在JVM 1.7上运行带有DCEVM(完整实现)的WebLogic和带有自定义插件的HotSwapAgent,该插件在每个onClassLoad上触发.

I am running WebLogic on JVM 1.7 with DCEVM (full implementation) and HotSwapAgent with custom plugin that gets triggered on every onClassLoad.


I run into problems with Freemarker, which uses java.beans.Introspector. What I discovered is the fact that when I call Introspector.flushCaches on the method called by HotSwapAgent (through ReflectionCommand), then the BeanInfo in Introspector is invalidated properly (checked with debugger in that thread). However when I make request to the WLS appserver, then Introspector for the worker thread shows the old values!


This seems like some thread-local implementation, but I was not able to find anything that would point to that assumption in java.beans.Introspector's documentation.


Does anybody have any clue why this is happening and how to resolve that?


Currently I store the information about reloaded classes in separate class and reload everything that's in that cache from the request thread, which works.




Found this thanks to @ddekany and his answer to related problem at Freemarker removeIntrospectionInfo does not work with DCEVM after model hotswap

似乎JVM(至少是HotSpot 1.7)按线程组缓存了Introspector的缓存.这意味着必须在相应的ThreadGroup中运行的线程中调用Introspector.flushCaches.

It seems that JVM (at least HotSpot 1.7) caches Introspector's cache per ThreadGroup. This means, that Introspector.flushCaches must be called in a thread that runs in corresponding ThreadGroup.


When I executed this for all the ThreadGroups in the application then everything started working again properly.


I wasn't able to find any documentation why the java.beans.Introspector is cached per ThreadGroup so if anybody has an reliable information to this, please add a comment with link.




     * Introspect on a Java Bean and learn about all its properties, exposed
     * methods, and events.
     * <p>
     * If the BeanInfo class for a Java Bean has been previously Introspected
     * then the BeanInfo class is retrieved from the BeanInfo cache.
     * @param beanClass  The bean class to be analyzed.
     * @return  A BeanInfo object describing the target bean.
     * @exception IntrospectionException if an exception occurs during
     *              introspection.
     * @see #flushCaches
     * @see #flushFromCaches
    public static BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Class<?> beanClass)
        throws IntrospectionException
        if (!ReflectUtil.isPackageAccessible(beanClass)) {
            return (new Introspector(beanClass, null, USE_ALL_BEANINFO)).getBeanInfo();
        ThreadGroupContext context = ThreadGroupContext.getContext();
        BeanInfo beanInfo;
        synchronized (declaredMethodCache) {
            beanInfo = context.getBeanInfo(beanClass);
        if (beanInfo == null) {
            beanInfo = new Introspector(beanClass, null, USE_ALL_BEANINFO).getBeanInfo();
            synchronized (declaredMethodCache) {
                context.putBeanInfo(beanClass, beanInfo);
        return beanInfo;


This has been definitely added in JDK7, because I checked JDK6 code and it's not there!.


09-12 23:39