

我对IEEE单精度和双精度浮点中 NaN 的实现和表示感到好奇,我找到了的是NaN功能。即:

I was curious about the implementation and representation of NaN in both IEEE single- and double-precision floating points, and I found this implementation of an "is NaN" function. Namely:

int isnan(double x)
    int32_t hx,lx;

    // Move lower 32 bits of double to lx, higher 32 to hx.

    // Remove sign bit, since -NaN and NaN are both NaN.
    hx &= 0x7fffffff;

    // Equivalent to hx |= (lx != 0).
    hx |= (u_int32_t)(lx|(-lx))>>31;

    // Difference is negative iff (hx & 0x7ff00000) == 0x7ff00000 and (hx & 0x000fffff) != 0.
    hx = 0x7ff00000 - hx;
    return (int)((u_int32_t)(hx))>>31;

我不明白的目的(lx |(-lx))>> 31 ,并且在我无法理解之后,我在所有整数上测试了它,并且发现它导致0为 lx = 0 而另外一个。

I didn't understand the purpose of (lx|(-lx)) >> 31, and after failing to reason it out in my head, I tested it on all integers, and found it results in 0 for lx = 0 and 1 otherwise.

我想出的唯一理由是可能使用(lx!= 0)相反是不可能的,因为某些C标准没有定义为真实操作分配的整数值(例如,不保证为1为真)或者可能!= 比负位移和位移位。否则,我很难过。

The only reasons I could come up with are that perhaps using (lx != 0) instead was not possible due to some C standard not defining what integer value is assigned to true operations (e.g. not guaranteed to be 1 for true) or that perhaps != is slower than the negative-or-and-bit-shift. Otherwise, I'm stumped.


For reference, the code I used to try all integers, in case of errors.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void) {
        int32_t i = 0;
        do {
                if (((uint32_t)(i | (-i)) >> 31) == 0)
                        printf("%d\n", i); // prints only 0
        } while (i++ != 0xFFFFFFFF); // overflows to -max_int and then climb to -1
        return 0;


表达式(u_int32_t)(lx |(-lx))>> 31 相当于 lx == 0? 0:1

但是, lx == 0? 0:1 ,你正在对目标代码强制执行分支操作。

However, with lx==0? 0:1, you are imposing a branch operation into the object code.


This might yield reduced performance in comparison with a couple of bit-wise operations.


It really depends on the underlying HW architecture as well as the designated compiler at hand.


But it will for sure lead to inconsistent performance, depending on branch-prediction heuristics.

的运行时间( u_int32_t)(lx |(-lx))>>> 31 保证在每次执行时都相同。

The running time of (u_int32_t)(lx|(-lx))>>31 is guaranteed to be identical on every execution.


10-14 09:05