

我有一组用户.每个用户都有一个名为 favoriteNames 的数组.

I have a collection of users. Each user has an array named favoriteNames.

root <- [Firestore]
 users <- [Collection]
   uid <- [Document]
    favoriteNames: ["Ana", "Jane", "Dave"] <- [Array]
   uid<- [Document]
    favoriteNames: ["Ana", "Merry", "John"] <- [Array]


I want to remove "Ana" from all documents. This is what I tried:

usersRef.whereArrayContains("favoriteNames", FieldValue.arrayRemove("Ana").get()


But it doesn't work. How can I remove "Ana" from all arrays?


无法执行类似SQL的"update where"使用Firestore输入查询.如果要更新多个文档,则必须分别更新每个文档.如果需要,您可以使用事务或批处理写入来自动进行所有更新.

It's not possible to do a SQL-like "update where" type query with Firestore. If you have multiple documents to update, you will have to update each one individually. You can use a transaction or batch write to do all the updates atomically, if needed.


  1. 查询所有要更新的文档.这将涉及对所有"数组包含查询进行; Ana".

  1. Query for all the documents to update. This will involve doing an array-contains query for all "Ana".

usersRef.whereArrayContains("favoriteNames", "Ana")

  • 迭代查询结果.

  • Iterate the query results.

    对于每个匹配的 DocumentSnapshot ,获取其DocumentReference并将 update() FieldValue.arrayRemove("Ana")

    For each matching DocumentSnapshot, get its DocumentReference and use update() with FieldValue.arrayRemove("Ana")

    snapshot.reference.update("favoriteNames", FieldValue.arrayRemove("Ana"))

  • 这篇关于如何从Firestore中的多个文档中的数组中删除元素?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    09-12 21:34